logging food for the day....

Do you find that planning out your whole menu for the day and logging it down first on MFP before you eat is a better way then logging in after you eat?


  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I personally try to pre-log my days. Sometimes even 2days ahead. That way I can keep track of my calories and stick to eating healthy. It helps me see where I can eat more or have a treat. If I pre-log and am within calorie goal then any exercise I do is bonus calories for treats.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    For me, pre-logging is AWESOME!! I know some people hate it, but it works best for me
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I have found it easier to log all my food in the morning therefore I can tweek it during the day, especially if I see I need more protein or some plans for dinner have changed. Its nice to see it all in black and white.
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    i log as i go, but i pre-check things. like, i figure out what i'll have for dinner, based on what i want for lunch and the calories left. esp if i'm going out or something like that. truly pre-logging doesn't work for me, b/c sometimes i am DYING for a snack, and havng a really munch day, while other days i'm totally satisfied. so, i log as i go. but, like i like to say, it's def what works best for YOU. that's all that really matters in the end!!!! GL to you!!! :D
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I like to prelog in the morning some days. I NEVER wait until after I'm done eating to log something unless I already know the stats. That's just asking for trouble!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I log everything after I have done it. There are too many disctraction and times I've actually changed something or ate more/ess than I thought. Same with exercise.

    Just my .02.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Yes..I pre-log everything. It helps me plan my day..I know exactly where I am at all times and I don't get stuck having to have a piece of lettuce for dinner or something because I already ate my allowed calories.
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Do you find that planning out your whole menu for the day and logging it down first on MFP before you eat is a better way then logging in after you eat?

    I so nearly started the exact same thread this morning! I pre logged my day for the first time today and have found it soooo much easier, will be doing it again for sure
  • TimeForMe99
    Real conversation from yesterday: DH: What would you like for breakfast, love? Me: I don't know, what's for dinner?

    I almost always post dinner first, especially if I'm not cooking, which is about half the time. This way I can plan my lunch for higher protein or carbs, in order to achieve a balance. I've already posted tomorrow's lunch and dinner, because I'm having lunch out and dinner is fish and chips. Not a lot of leeway so I need to remember to arrange snacks and breakfast around these indulgences.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    I log as I go but I only eat once a day. I just log everything before I eat it to make sure everything adds up to under my goal.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
  • Jessimaaka
    Jessimaaka Posts: 127 Member
    I pre-log as much as possible and tweak throughout the day as things change.