
So... what kind of exercises would y'all recommend for a beginner? I've never really exercised much before so I don't want to jump straight into something like 30DS, but is there something that will help me lose weight & tone that I can start doing now?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Diet is what will help you lose weight. Get your portions in check. Limit the crap foods. Weight loss is 80% diet. Track your food, eat at a caloric deficit. Do whatever exercise you like and can and will do consistenly. Do a combination of cardio and strength training. It's ok to start slow. Start with bodyweight exercises like squats, planks (can be modified), push-ups (can be modified) and lunges for strength. Try taking a brisk walk on hilly terrain for cardio. Do jumpingj acks during commercials. Just get moving.