don't see/ feel a change

So I have been at this for about 4 months now and have lost 20lbs, but I just don't see or feel a change in my body shape or size. Well, that's a lie, everything is just more saggy. Clothes don't seem to be fitting me any different.

Anyone else feel like this too or have tips to "cut the sag"?

Most of my weight loss has just been calorie counting. The last two weeks I have been trying to change my diet here and there and go for the healthier options. As of now my only real "exercise" is walking.



  • Take progress pictures
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Sorry-I'm down 75 and don't see or feel a change either - I know it exists, but I don't see it. I've seen it posted that it takes time-been 6 months-ish now, hoping I'll "see" something soon.
  • I'm the same.
    I have lost 25lbs over the past 6 weeks but not really noticed a difference. I have managed to go down a hole in my belt but still wearing the same size jeans. however i have noticed without the belt they fall off. Maybe time to so some shopping. :)
    Has for my appearance, i haven't noticed anything at all although a few people have said they have noticed.
    Just got to stick with it I suppose
  • cHaRlIe0411
    cHaRlIe0411 Posts: 137 Member
    If the only exercise you do is walking while you cut calories, most of that loss will be muscle mass. That's why you feel more saggy.
    Try more exercise, especially strength training. I only lost 14 pounds, but will all my strength training I feel very different!
  • resolvedtobefit
    resolvedtobefit Posts: 55 Member
    I can relate. A couple years ago I was working out hard core and eating right...basically everything that you're supposed to. I didn't see any change in how I was until a couple of days ago when I was going back through some pictures and I was really surprized at how I looked. Keep at it!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I'm sure you look different - your brain just hasn't been able to reconcile with the it. As for 'sagging' you probably need to add some kind of resistance/weight training. It doesn't have to be at the gym lifting weights - there are plenty of body weight exercises that will tone you up.

    And as suggested, take pictures, take measurements - they are much better tools to help our brains see the change then a number on a scale.
  • tobejune
    tobejune Posts: 177
    I would encourage you to try adding some more exercise into your routine. Not only because it will likely begin to physically change your body more but mentally, it may help with the shift in "seeing" the difference, as well.

    Some very basic exercises to begin with could be squats, pushups, and sit ups or crunches. You can do them all at home with no fancy equipment and there are variations to make each easier to begin with then harder as you get stronger and more comfortable with the basic motions.

    Here's a resource with good descriptions and pictures:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Do you take progress pics. You look at yourself in the mirror every's hard to see the change unless you're looking at pics. Also, the more you have to lose, the less dramatic a said amount of Lbs will look/feel...not sure how much you need to lose. For me, I'm down 25 pounds in 5 months (with 40 total I needed to lose...another 15 to go). On me, 25 Lbs is pretty's 28% BF to 22% BF and about 3 inches off my waist. For my dad, as an example, 25 Lbs is a drop in the bucket.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Did somebody say sea change?!


    But seriously - measure & compare pictures of yourself. Don't use the mirror when your mind is queering the feedback.
  • nzs110b
    nzs110b Posts: 56 Member
    I would encourage you to try adding some more exercise into your routine. Not only because it will likely begin to physically change your body more but mentally, it may help with the shift in "seeing" the difference, as well.

    Some very basic exercises to begin with could be squats, pushups, and sit ups or crunches. You can do them all at home with no fancy equipment and there are variations to make each easier to begin with then harder as you get stronger and more comfortable with the basic motions.

    Here's a resource with good descriptions and pictures:

    Thanks all for your support! Tobejune I will have to start doing these this week!