Need help with LCHF diet

I started LCHF about 2 weeks ago.although I did lose 3 pounds..Im a little confused ..I am trying to stay at 30 g aday,and find I am eating the same thing over and over again..My carbs stay very low,,but also my calories stay between 700 and 1000 a day..Is this to low,,and if so how do I up my calories without uping my carbs? Really need suggestions:smile:


  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member

    Yep. And peanut butter, and eat more EFFECTIVE carbs, like spinach which has protein. Also, cheese. Be sure you are eating AT LEAST 1200 calories. Also, mayonnaise is your friend.
  • turbojam_rocks
    turbojam_rocks Posts: 82 Member
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I'm not doing full ketogenic diet, but this looks like a good resource:

    If all else fails, I recommend spoonfulls of virgin coconut oil.
  • Sarah83E
    Sarah83E Posts: 12 Member
    REAL Butter! add 100cals to your eggs in the morning!, Mayo (hellmann's is good NO CARBS)/w a can of tuna, Avacado (great fat and good carb:fiber ratio) A slice of cheddar cheese!

    Just add in healthy fats and you should get to at least 1200

    Remember this is a LOW carb HiGH FAT so Fats are great and a serving can boost those cals up!!

    Good luck!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Various meats--beef, pork, lamb, chicken; eggs, avocado, cheese, full-fat yogurt, cook with butter and cream. Find some good recipes and cook from scratch; make larger batches and freeze portions for work lunches or "planned-overs".
  • turbojam_rocks
    turbojam_rocks Posts: 82 Member
    Thank-you all so much..This was very helpful:smile: