Struggling... *vent* wanting feedback



  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    So... the struggle continues.. my husband lost his job...

    Well damn, it just keeps coming at you! I am sorry.

    You are going through pure hell right now, and I get that. make small changes for now, the ones you can handle. walk every day. Start picking healthier foods, you will feel good about making good choices. You will never feel good about making bad choices. Drink you water. If you eat some crap food in there is okay....small changes. Dedicate your success to your Pa.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    So sorry for your losses hon.

    Take time to grieve and try to eat as healthy as you can at this very difficult time.

    When you're feeling stronger you can concentrate more on working out etc.
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    Wow, you've had a terrible string of bad news. I wouldn't worry as much about weight loss right now as that is always something you can catch up on as clearly you have enough on your plate at the moment to deal with. That said, maybe setting aside a half hour or an hour going for a walk around the block each day might do wonders both from a fitness perspective but moreso for giving your brain time to process everything that's happened in the last little bit. I know when I'm stressed, a walk is pretty much a guaranteed cure.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    You are being hit with So much right now.

    i will keep you in my prayers, I like the idea of just eliminating 1 thing and adding 1 good thing that way it is not so overwhelming. Going for a walk is relaxing go at a slow pace if you need to it will help you clear your head. do not focus on loosing weight focus on living a healthy life. Healthy life means healthy mind body and soul. Give yourself time to grieve I also recommend talking to a professional. Good luck. So sorry for your loss.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    All of it made it sound like I turned to food for comfort.. thought i'd clarify.. I don't do that.. I just feel/felt like so much going on that taking not and thinking before I eat is just more than I have wanted to do.. :/
  • Mandykat760
    Mandykat760 Posts: 20 Member
    Sometimes it just feels like when you're down you get kicked by life. I'm sorry for your losses. And dame that sucks about the job loss! Do you work? Where is this new house? Did you buy it?
  • MommaSquirell
    MommaSquirell Posts: 30 Member
    Last year I started this journey , I think about the same time as you . But I was doing Awesome!!! logging , exercising , just awesome! I lost about 18 pounds while logging and then we took in a homeless girl and her 3 kids , I continued to loose weight ..... and then my husband starting acting up with that girl . I had lost 30 pounds at that point . After she was gone the drama continued , to the point where we had a physical altercation . My husband and I had a history of well Him putting his hands on me but I had left him and when I let him back into my life he actually was the man I loved again . We went 3 years with no problems like that until after that girl had left , It was not her fault It was the alcohol . he drank too much and accused me of trying to hook up with a guy because I was telling him how much respect I had for him having come out of the marines .............dude ...... lol but anyway yeah it was bad . I was pretty messed up and after that is when the struggle started . I was an emotional wreck for like 3 months after that , I didnt trust him I didnt like him . I was hurt I was deeply wounded . Especially since I felt like I put myself out there to give us a second try . throughout all of this my brother was relapsing and stealing from my mom again , but I 3 hours away felt helpless . I was really struggling . The last bout of physical abuse I went through I gained 100 pounds , that is 4 years of dealing with it and 2 pregnancies all alone 9 hours away from all my friends and family . I felt like that all over again . Totally restless .... I jumped in and out of the weight loss game Barely maintaining my weight , and then battery died on the scale and it was a free for all @_@ . I gained all of my weight back PLUS 10 pounds X_X last month I realized that . I was so tired , all the time just exhausted I could get the homeschool work regulated the house was a mess and I was just tired!!! always tired!!! finally this month I said ok enough is enough .
    It wont ever be easy , this life . But it gets easier if you make it through the tough times .
    My biggest weakness is the computer and video games mixed with suger . I was 288 pounds when I left my husband with my two children I lost 40 pounds in 3 months back then ,
    Last year I dropped to 226
    I am now 255 +_+
    We can do it !
    there is proof in your work to this point .
    I got stuck in the mindset of omg I should be at my goal weight right now!!!!
    But im not :)
    And its not ok but I am still breathing , and the things that hurt me then will be my strength now .
    <3<3<3 Don't be discouraged , don't give up <3<3<3
    Even if you mess up , dont give up <3 It is totally ok to feel emotion and weakness , but ou dont have to let (IT) control you :)
    Remember beautiful , your driving that vehicle and IT is just a passenger <3<3
    Lots of love and wishes and inbox me anytime you need to , I lost my dad at 14 and have been through many different cycles of grieving ,if you ever need to talk do not be afraid to msg me .
    You guys are awesome!!!
  • MommaSquirell
    MommaSquirell Posts: 30 Member
    typo . Did I really just put suger .......................lmao SUGAR!