Progresso soup vs original oatmeal

Okay so I used to eat light progresso soup for breakfast every morning to try to loose weight because its low in calories (weird I know) but I read that the soup is actually bad for you so I switched to original Quaker oatmeal (30 calls more)
Which do you think will help with weight loss?


  • willieswenson
    No foods are actually "bad" for you unless they contain trans fats or ingredients completely proven to cause disease.
    You will lose weight as long as you
    -Hit your target Calories for the day
    -Get Proper Vitamins and Minerals, Fiber
    -Adequate Fiber and water intake
    -Proper Rest
    Do you track your proteins, carbs and fats for the day as targets?
    Replacing normal meals with foods with similar protein/carbs/fats will be fine.
    Sometimes I don't feel like eating 2 servings of fruit, and will replace it with small amount of candy.
    Fruit is "better" for you because it contains more vitamins, etc, but with regards to weight loss, will effect you the same way as an equal serving of simple sugars like sweet tarts for example.
    You'll be fine as long as you hit the steps above.
    Hope this helps,
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Which has more protein? Which has more fiber? Do either have fat? These are things that keep you feeling full; and your body needs them.

    I look for meals (with calories) that give me the most bang for my buck ..... keep me full AND provide best nutrition.

    My most filling breakfast is:

    ¾C Kashi Go Lean (original)
    1 Tbl. slivered almonds
    ¼ C. frozen raspberries
    6 oz. Dannon Light & Fit .............. 246 calories ... 16.8 g protein, 10.5 g fiber, 4.6 g (good) fat

    Try making oatmeal with milk (or protien powder) - that will up the protien. Quaker has a Weight Control one that adds extra protien & fiber

    Progresso has some nice high fiber soups ... look for a combo of fiber & protein
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Weight loss is caused by calorie deficit. If you make no other changes than to increase your breakfast by 30 calories, you'll lose weight ever so slightly slower (like, a one pound difference over 4 months).

    The soup is probably higher in sodium--if you have reason to restrict your sodium, then it's a good switch to make. Otherwise, it's not going to make much of a difference.