5'10 Female Needing support and accountability

Hey fitnesspals!!! After being on here for months and months with no consistency, I think it's time to finally put myself out there and get some support. I have problems holding myself accountable and would love some similar people to give us all the support we need. I am 32 years old, 5'10, looking to lose at 60lbs. I have been "big-boned" all my life, while the last ten years it keeps creeping on to being the chubby girl to now the too-chubby girl to fit in size 16 clothes. I have lost weight before but obviously no kept it off successfully. I know the changes in my life need to be permanent, making exercise a daily activity, not just something I do ever week or two when I feel the motivation. Please message me if you need similar support or feel you can help!!!



  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Request sent
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I am 5'10" and would love to help you. I just joined a week ago, but really like it so far! I am very consistant with exercise, but need help with my food intake and need to stop the endless grazing! Add me and maybe we can help each other!
  • missionimposs
    missionimposs Posts: 53 Member
    Hi you can add me for support I try to log on most eveings , but log on my mob what I eat through out the day!!!
  • HI There! I understand it's not easy! I have been doing it for two weeks, and I like it. I try to think of my calories as like a bank account, I seriously try not to go over! And it's almost like a contest and most days I win. That's how I like to see it and it's definitely working. I try to remind myself the old way didn't work and made things worse. This new way will lead me to a longer healthier life, and that's the real goal!
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 5"7.5 and medium bones....I have 60-75 pounds to lose. So we are close. I wear a 14-15 pants and large shirts. Would love to have you on my friends list as most of my MFP pals are shorter than me! I'm currently doing Jamie Eason's 12 week livefit program on bodybuilding.com. Join me if you like!