help!!! i need motivation and support

am a 26 year old wife and mother of two….some days it seems more like 3 lol (love you hunny) my husbands name is David my oldest son is Nathan he’s 5 and my almost 8 month old is Tyler. as of today I weigh 265 I want to be a better mother, wife, and person. theres one problem...I LOVE FOOD... now im going to change the way I eat and try to meet my goad by loosing 100 lbs to do this I know I need great motivation and a awesome support group that's all im asking for is kind motivational words I really need to do this for myself!!!!


  • Rome wasnt built in a day and neither is a lifestyle change! Take it in small steps weekly. The first I would suggest is cutting out all sugary drinks and replace it with water. Water is a huge part of weight loss and feeling better. Then every week pick something, like for example exchange a cookie for an orange or an apple. Youll still get that sweet taste but it will be better for you. I also can not say enough how important physical activity is! Start with a walk after dinner and take your husband and kids along. It will help with digestion and burn up calories and you can move forward from there! Set realistic goals for yourself and dont stop till you reach them. The sky will be the limit and youll be amazed at what you can make your mind and body do when you put it though its paces.