Will my legs ever be worthy of shorts?



  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    check with a surgeon about varicose vein treatments. I had the worst ones of mine done, and it made a huge difference. Insurance paid most of it. The treatment itself wasn't too bad.. squeezing into the support hose you have to wear for a few weeks was not easy. But I am trhrilled with the results.
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    ugh! I feel the same way! Just keep on keeping on, You WILL get there!!
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    just quit now, it seems that is the attitude you have.

    Really? She was asking a question about shorts. You obviously didn't read and/or understand her post.

    I *hope* one day I'll be comfortable in shorts too! All I can do is just work away and see what happens! Good luck to you!!

    What I picked up from her post is: "Is weight loss even worth it if I can't wear shorts?"
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    This is the first summer that I will be wearing shorts in..... (crickets)....... geeze, since I was a child. I think I stopped wearing them when I was around 12 and my mom told me that I had fat legs (womp womp).

    I do have heavier legs than the rest of me, I'm pear shaped! Really all that did it for me has been loosing the weight and doing pilates! I walk a lot, too. I still have *some* cellulite (and I'm only 120-ish pounds right now) t damn it, I'm wearing shorts. Don't like it, don't look!
  • bnjones23
    bnjones23 Posts: 86 Member
    Yes!! You WILL get there!! It'll take time, patience, and consistency. The 2 things things that helped my legs in shape are running and Brazil Butt Lift. BBL works your entire leg and butt as well as your core!
  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member
    Randy - that was a really insensitive comment - when folks are first starting out - there are many motivations and questions - finding others we can relate to and ask honest questions - such as this one is what the forums are all about. To accuse people of just wanting to quit because you don't get it is really off.

    nvrgvup12 - I finally have the confidence to wear shorts - and i still weigh well over 200 lbs - have varicose veins and lymphadema in both legs - my calves started off the size of some some people's waist - from 78 cm to 66 cm - the confidence you gain along the way enables you to do things like wear clothes you never thought you would again - I am not sure I would wear them out in public yet - but since I went on a cruise - I wore a skirt and togs for hte first time in over 25 years in public - so yes it can be done - I am not sure that even as I lose more weight that my legs will ever be what some folks call "shorts worthy" but I am getting comfortable in my own - you will too - just take it day by day!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I have all the same things you do but believe it can be done! I know how much you work out - you are headed down the right path. It does take time. Anything worth doing is hard work! You and I will both get there. Keep up your workouts and keep logging the way you have been. You won't regret doing what your doing a year from now or less/more. Be strong..and...like your name suggests...Never Give Up!!!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I always wondered the same but after dropping some of the extra weight I realised that if I keep pushing then I can have shorts/skirt worthy legs by summer! :D

    Just gotta keep going! You'll see a difference sooner than you think! :)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Worthy of shorts? If youre really asking that question then you probably won't ever be happy with what your poor lovely legs look like. Just stick to watching what you eat, get lots of exercise and when this summer comes around toss on your short shorts and let the admirers flock :laugh:

    My attitude: My shorts are LUCKY I am wearing them, not the other way around. I don't care if my legs are dimpled with fat tissue, I get freaking warm Im not wearing long pants, or capris and anyone who gawks at me is just going to give me a big head cause obviously staring is caring:love::drinker:
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Bermuda shorts flatter everyone.

    i am almost transparent-im soooo pale. jergens bronzing body lotion is your friend. not orangey, very subtle, makes your skin oh so smooth.

    just keep at it!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Meh, as a fashion item shorts are overrated. They are fine for practical uses such as running and fitness, but as a fashionable item, they kind of suck. Business shorts just look kind of dumb and make a person's figure look stumpy. Daisy dukes are cute if you are under 25 years old, but look desperate on women in their 30's-40's. Bermuda shorts only look good on super skinny women and men who have too much money and time. Capris= granny.

    Don't worry about trying to make your figure fit the fashions. Fashion should flatter your figure. There are so many wonderful fashion items available, that focusing on one unflattering item is just going to make you feel bad about yourself.
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    Hey girl. I wanted to tell you that there IS HOPE. I never wore shorts at all until two years ago. I had really chunky, unshapely and large legs that didn't compliment my small waist and smaller upper body. The first year, I wore them because I finally said, "F*$# it. I only live once and I want to be comfortable and happy." That in itself motivated me to work harder at fitness, diet and health. SO...this last year, I wore shorts because I felt confident enough to wear them. I did a Figure physique competition in the spring prior and my legs were my weakness. So, I worked twice as hard on them, and this season, as I am training for my second season of competing, my boyfriend says that if I was to win, it would be because of my legs. He has said since the day he saw me at the gym for the first time that I had the sexiest legs ever. I still don't believe him, still dislike my legs compared to other parts of my body, and still think I have miles to go with them, but others don't see it that way. I get compliments on them a lot now and I work hard at developing and shaping them as a result. Keep at it. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO!
  • Wetterdew
    Wetterdew Posts: 142 Member
    I think it's hard to judge your own legs, because most of the time you see them, it's from a perspective that makes them look fatter than they really are. When I see my body in a mirror from at least ten feet away, I find that my legs look much leaner than they do if I look straight down at them. But we most often see them from up above.

    So keep exercising, but also remember that it's hard to form an accurate self-image sometimes.