If I Can Do It...(NSV and SV)

Anyone can! I have been back and forth on MFP for YEARS! I'm here then I'm not. I'm down then back up. I made the decision in Nov. to quit smoking and with the exception of one slip up 2 weeks ago I've done excellent! Then Dec. 27 I got back on here and never looked back. Since then I entered ONEderland last week and I measured my waist and hips and am down 2 in. in my waist and 2.5 in my hips! I'm also back into my large shirts. I can see my feet again!

I am over people saying that they can't lose weight and quit smoking at the same time. I also don't buy the "I can't quit smoking because I have x, y, or z stress." In this time since I quit smoking and got back on program, my husband has lost his job (he's our only source of income) and I made it through finals at school in an accelerated physical therapy assistant program. Don't tell me that it can't be done! It's all about how bad you want it!


  • orangelobster
    As an ex smoker I have observed that when I was a smoker but for whatever reason couldn't have one (like at the airport or something) then the cravings were way, way worse than after I quit and then wanted one randomly (but obviously couldn't have one because I'd quit) - not sure if that makes sense.

    Congrats on your progress - don't it feel great!!!
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    Makes total sense. When you have them in your pocket and you're being told you can't have them it's terrible. lol

    And yes! I feel awesome!
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