30 Day Shred: Will I see results?

- Teenager
- 127ish pounds
- 5'6.5"
- Ectomorph, skinnyfat

- Lose the fat on my stomach and legs and turn it into muscle
- Get lean

Will doing 30 Day Shred every day for 30 days actually show me results? Will I reach my goals??
I completed Day 4 so far so I am guessing it will take longer to see results.
Can I do JUST 30DS to reach my goals or will I have to do other everyday exercises as well?


  • Bump. Hope to get some help and advice. :)
  • 30 Day shred is different for everyone. Not everyones body is going to do the same thing. Most of Jillians videos will make you lose inches instead of pounds, which is still good. It will get you toned to a certain level. To actually get toned you would have to go into weight lifting. To see pictures of before and afters of 30 day shred just hit the search button and type in 30 day shred before and after and you'll be able to see hundreds of results.

    Edited to add: Its best to not do it for 30days straight, do it 3-5days a week esp if your just starting out. Jillian can be tough.
  • Thanks :) Anyone else?
  • mmgavitt
    mmgavitt Posts: 82 Member
    I lost 25 pounds in a month when I did it.

    Just remember when you do it... It's as hard as you want to be. If you don't push yourself, then no... You wont see results. But if you do then yea, it can be a great program. If you want to build muscle make sure to use heavier weights, as much as you can without lossing your form.

    Also, you need to remember that it's not just working out that makes you skinny, it's eating too :)
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    I didn't lose many pounds (about 8lbs) at all but I was the very definition of skinny fat. I have photos in my profile after doing 30DS. Lost HEAPS of inches and much more toned though. Good luck.
  • StefieLou
    StefieLou Posts: 45 Member
    I have seen SO MANY positive posts on MFP about the 30 day shred. Planning to buy the DVD this weekend!
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    I lost inches and felt fantastic when I stuck with it. I just did day 1 level 1 tonight because I want to get back into it. I cannot believe how out if shape I've let myself become over the last 5 months. If you stick with it, I promise you will be pleased with the results. You may not lose weight but it does great for toning the abs.
  • verie_17
    verie_17 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi - first post in this community. Just signed up to MyFitnessPal today because I want to do the 30 day shred again, and was searching the message boards and was hoping to get motivation from people who are starting it soon as well.

    I did the 30 DS about a year ago. I was 28 years old, 5 foot 4 inches, about 117 points. Same deal - skinny fat. No muscle tone whatsoever, lucky to be thin since I eat way too many meals at fast food joints (or chips for supper. Chips make an excellent supper). I started actually noticing results on the 30 day shred after about two weeks. I noticed my endurance increase within a few days of starting - but actual physical changes - my butt being less droopy, my arms having more definitition, having better posture (I'm a total sloucher). 2 weeks tops and I started noticing a difference. Had lost an inch or two here and there as well by then. By the end of the shred I felt awesome - no supermodel, but finally actually had some tone, some core muscles. This may be TMI but if I caught a glimpse of my stomach in the mirror when I was changing my shirt I would think "wow - I look GOOD".

    Ultimately, I ended up losing a couple pounds, a couple inches - but I felt more toned, stronger. Should have kept it up to get MORE toned, but I was impressed with the changes in just one month. I very specifically remember thinking "geez, if I ever gained 5 pounds and was worried I was on a slippery slope downhill - one go with the 30 day shred would put me back in fine form!".

    Now I'm at that point of needing a reboot! So - as I said - I was really impressed with the results after a reasonbly short amount of time. And - I'm looking to start the 30 days shred again in the next couple days and would love to hear from anyone else who is in the same boat!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I lost several inches every time I have done 30DS.. 30DS will get you toned in a short time. Feel free to add me.. I am still doing it and have had major body composition changes from doing it.
  • I will definitely continue this and hope to have results like you guys did :)
    I've heard so many great things about 30DS.