Life is scary!

Hello All!

I am 28 years old and brand new to this site! I am really interested in learning more from others and sharing the knowledge that I have as well! I really got interested in health when my grandmother passed away this past Christmas. She had heart disease and I guess I started thinking about my heart and wanted to know what I can do to either try to lessen my chances or or prevent myself from having these issues. I guess I have always preoccupied with health since my father passed away of a brain tumor 10 years ago but I have really been trying to do something about it recently instead of just having the fear of what if I don't. I just want to be a happier healthier me. I started learning things so quickly it got overwhelming. Its down right alarming and scary to know about all the chemicals in everything. Is there anyone else out there that started learning about these things and are trying to change their lifestyle and is finding it overwhelming as well?? If anyone wants to share information or just chat about things they learned or read about health/fitness and just give each other some support in this scary world then feel free to message me! I am interested in all subjects from nutrition, to recipes (I LOVE cooking), to going green and everything in between!!!