Am I just different????



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    sigh... nature's perfect food right?

    tell me, how do you know you properly digest and assimilate all those vitamins and minerals in that milk you drink? just because it doesn't cause you noticeable discomfort or issues, doesn't mean you're digesting it properly.

    for your consideration, do with it as you will:
    Lactase persistence is the phenotype associated with various autosomal dominant alleles prolonging the activity of lactase beyond infancy; conversely, lactase non-persistence is the phenotype associated with primary lactase deficiency (see above). Among mammals, lactase persistence is unique to humans — it evolved relatively recently (in the last 10,000 years) among some populations, and the majority of people worldwide remain lactase non-persistent.[11] For this reason lactase persistence is of some interest to the fields of anthropology and human genetics, which typically use the genetically derived persistence/non-persistence terminology.

    Genetic analysis shows that lactase persistence has developed multiple times in different places independently. An example of convergent evolution

    Recognition of the extent and genetic basis of lactose intolerance is relatively recent. Though its symptoms were described as early as Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.),[49] until the 1960s the prevailing assumption in the medical community was that tolerance was the norm and intolerance either the result of milk allergy, an intestinal pathogen, or else was psychosomatic (it being recognised that some cultures did not practice dairying, and people from those cultures often reacted badly to consuming milk).[50][51] There were two reasons for this perception. Firstly, many Western countries have a predominantly European heritage, and so have low frequencies of lactose intolerance,[52] and have an extensive cultural history of dairying. Therefore, tolerance actually was the norm in most of the societies investigated by medical researchers at that point. Secondly, within even these societies lactose intolerance tends to be under-reported: genetically lactase non-persistent individuals can tolerate varying quantities of lactose before showing symptoms, and their symptoms differ in severity. Most are able to digest a small quantity of milk, for example in tea or coffee, without suffering any adverse effects.[16] Fermented dairy products, such as cheese, also contain dramatically less lactose than plain milk. Therefore, in societies where tolerance is the norm, many people who consume only small amounts of dairy or have only mild symptoms, may be unaware that they cannot digest lactose. Eventually, however, it was recognised that in the United States lactose intolerance is correlated with race.[53][54][55] Subsequent research revealed that intolerance was more common globally than lactase persistence,[56][57][58][59][60] and that the variation was genetic.[51][61] However, as yet there is no comprehensive understanding of either the global distribution of lactase persistence, the number of alleles that cause it, or the reasons for its recent selection.[11]
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    drinks milk every day. Body fat% steadily decreasing. Overeating is the only thing that will make you fat and dietary fat does not equal body fat.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Coach, a wall of quoted text with no source makes a very poor argument. Didn't you have a debate class in college??? Don't answer that, I refuse to argue with you.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    But to answer the real question...nuts and nut butters and milk are great easy calorie fillers
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Maybe you're working out too much?
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    I definitely had a major problem with undereating. It wasn't even intentional, it was just habit. Protein drinks really help, because they don't feel like food, and nuts are great because you can just nibble at them, so they don't feel as overwhelming as a full meal. Good luck!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Coach, a wall of quoted text with no source makes a very poor argument. Didn't you have a debate class in college??? Don't answer that, I refuse to argue with you.

    don't argue, just read it. :)
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Now I'm going to come at this from quite a strange angle, but wanted to give you some hope :) I am a recovering anorexic and right now I have to eat even when I am not hungry, because hunger cues many times have NOTHING to do with if you need more food or not. In fact, they have to do with patterns. So if you start eating 6 times a day around the same time or same time intervals (like every 2-3 hours) then your body will start to get hungry at those times. Think of hunger more like an alarm can set the alarm on your clock, but if you never turn it on, it's not going off. Same thing with your body. Is it more "normal" for people to get hungry...maybe...because our bodies are "set" to need food. But if we have never eaten at regular times or its been a while (which it seems for you this pattern has been going on for a while) our bodies are like the set alarm clock that has never been turned on. How do we turn on our bodies cues? We start to feed it at normal intervals. Then it starts expecting food at those intervals....and the alarm is awakened.
    I have been trying to eat at regular intervals for the past few weeks and already my hunger cues are coming back. And I've had an eating disorder for 14 years. So there is hope for you :)

    But for help with calorie intake definitely say nuts and nut butters are great choices :) Also, greek yogurt is higher in calories. For
    things easy to eat on a job I go with bagel with PB or hummus, or Clif Bars (or other energy/protein bar of your choice), or even

    Interesting...and kudos to you...wish u continued success with your recovery.
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    I am starting to eat better and exercise more. I only have 16 pounds to lose but I want to tone up and look good, not just be a 'certain weight.' Here is my problem: I am burning 600-900 calories a day but only eating back a tiny portion of those 'lost' calories. My main problem is that I am just not hungry (I know, I'm weird) so then I don't eat much but I am starting to get sluggish and not be able to exercise as well. I get somewhat lethargic and sleepy. I want to eat the calories because I don't want to lose muscle, just fat, but then I just don't feel like eating. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Check out Eat More to Weigh Less:

    IMPO, you need to force yourself to eat more for a few days, then your metabolism might be jumpstarted.
    I was never/rarely hungry eating 1300-1400 calories a day, exercising 14h+ per week, burning 1000's, then I started eating more after reading about EM2WL (I did jumpstart with high-calorie, and not always high-nutrient, foods, probably shouldn't have), and I got hungry realy quickly. Right now I am resetting, eating 2500 ish. In about a week I will start an 18% deficit to lose weight.

    Feel free to ask more questions/friend, and look at the link and read the stickies!!
  • fitnessmare
    Now I'm going to come at this from quite a strange angle, but wanted to give you some hope :) I am a recovering anorexic and right now I have to eat even when I am not hungry, because hunger cues many times have NOTHING to do with if you need more food or not. In fact, they have to do with patterns. So if you start eating 6 times a day around the same time or same time intervals (like every 2-3 hours) then your body will start to get hungry at those times. Think of hunger more like an alarm can set the alarm on your clock, but if you never turn it on, it's not going off. Same thing with your body. Is it more "normal" for people to get hungry...maybe...because our bodies are "set" to need food. But if we have never eaten at regular times or its been a while (which it seems for you this pattern has been going on for a while) our bodies are like the set alarm clock that has never been turned on. How do we turn on our bodies cues? We start to feed it at normal intervals. Then it starts expecting food at those intervals....and the alarm is awakened.
    I have been trying to eat at regular intervals for the past few weeks and already my hunger cues are coming back. And I've had an eating disorder for 14 years. So there is hope for you :)

    But for help with calorie intake definitely say nuts and nut butters are great choices :) Also, greek yogurt is higher in calories. For things easy to eat on a job I go with bagel with PB or hummus, or Clif Bars (or other energy/protein bar of your choice), or even shakes.

    I really appreciate your take on this! You have shed new light on my problem. I can see that I did have a weird schedule as far as eating goes and when I tried to eat 5-6 times a day to get more calories I found it so hard! I will definitely keep at it and see if I can reset my alarms. I might even use an alarm to remind me. :) I am so glad I asked about this because I was feeling so lost. Thanks!
  • fitnessmare
    Maybe you're working out too much?

    Maybe I am. About 400-500 of that is from my job which is mainly upper body. I throw bales of hay and carry heavy buckets. My main goal with working out is to work on strengthening my core and my lower body, plus get rid of the excess fat around my belly, hips, and thighs, not to mention cardio gets my heart rate up which is important. I should figure out how to balance it more. I will definitely look at better ways to work out smarter. This was a good question to ask.
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    Not true. If it was p[ure fat it would be solid for a start.

    Anyway, what do I know, I only drink the stuff three or four times a week :wink: . See ticker below (and if you want that in lbs, multiply it by 2.2).
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Nope. same issue. You are not alone! I have a lot of trouble eating enough. I eat really healthy most of the time, so getting over 1200 is a daily struggle for me, regardless of exercise. When my boyfriend cooks for me it's easy, since he cook traditional southern food (like last night lol), but when i cook it's so low calories that i eat a huge plate and it's just not enough, but I'm stuffed.

    You need to make sure you eat enough to keep your energy up.

    Peanut butter or granola are two good go to food. Higher in calories and you don't have to eat a lot, but still healthy. I also munch on fruits and veggies at work. Esp grape tomatoes and celery and apples that I spread peanut butter on. if you have them in a bag ready to go, it's easier to eat them. That really helps me eat more too.

    I have to eat whether I feel hungry or not. I just have to remember oh it's lunch time and eat something. I am starting to get hungry at lunch time more often, which is good, means I've trained my body to expect food. But still if I wait until i feel hungry, I'm way more likely to skip meals. (and you'll see that in my diary more often then I'd like)
  • fitnessmare
    I am finding that just making sure to add more protein to my diet every day is making a huge difference! It's giving me the energy I need. My goal right now is to get at least 100 grams a day. Probably more on the days I do more intense workouts. It's nice to have my energy back! Yippee!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Protein Drinks

    Energy Bars

    no and no ...

    eat your protein...
  • MandySparklePants
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    Milk is a perfectly good idea as long as you can fit it into your calorie goal. It's also great for calcium, something the body very much needs. Chocolate milk has more calories than milk on average, it's understandable that he might put on some weight. However, if he was drinking that to the exclusion of other things, it would be more the volume of milk he drank that did the damage than the milk itself.

    I do not agree. Cow milk is not good for the human body and there are veggies and other products with way more calcium than milk.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    If I'm not making gains in the gym or on the road I up my calories........this helps me stay motivated and ensures I'm not under eating and losing muscle and going backward. Stronger and faster is better.:happy:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    Milk is a perfectly good idea as long as you can fit it into your calorie goal. It's also great for calcium, something the body very much needs. Chocolate milk has more calories than milk on average, it's understandable that he might put on some weight. However, if he was drinking that to the exclusion of other things, it would be more the volume of milk he drank that did the damage than the milk itself.

    I do not agree. Cow milk is not good for the human body and there are veggies and other products with way more calcium than milk.
    Yes it is, and which food has more calcium without eating copious and unrealistic amounts of vegetables, and spinach doesn't count because it's absorption rate is pitiful.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    Milk is a perfectly good idea as long as you can fit it into your calorie goal. It's also great for calcium, something the body very much needs. Chocolate milk has more calories than milk on average, it's understandable that he might put on some weight. However, if he was drinking that to the exclusion of other things, it would be more the volume of milk he drank that did the damage than the milk itself.

    I do not agree. Cow milk is not good for the human body and there are veggies and other products with way more calcium than milk.

    Grass is a veggie.

    Veggie + Cow = Milk =\= What is being problem?

  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I like to drink shakes after a workout, because I too don't feel hungry. a cold shake feels good :3