Fat girl stuck in a skinny world.


I guess this is jut me introducing myself. I am 20 years old,5'4-5'5 ish I currently weight 183.6 pounds. This is the highest I have ever been and I am so ashamed of myself.

I have had issues with food all of my life, ranging from obese childhood to anorexia in my high school years.

And I think it is about time I do it the right way :)

Right now I don't exercise, even though I have a gym membership
I eat great during the day then completely binge at night.
I am looking to change my view of food and exercise.
Please help and join me on this journey :)


  • kmk_natasha
    Welcome :) I'm also the heaviest I've ever been and have a gym membership I haven't used in well over a year. Depression and overeating at night are a large part of why I'm overweight and out of shape. I decided I wanted to be healthy, not diet, but change my lifestyle. I started tracking my food at the beginning of Jan. Just that alone has changed how I eat and the food choices I make. As I started eating better, I got more motivated to work out, whether just playing Wii Fit games or just going for a walk. I bought some dumbells and started doing workouts at home. I also set a time (9pm) that I don't eat after. This has helped me go to bed earlier and wake up earlier (and eat breakfast, which I never used to do). I made really small changes at a time and I feel much better for it. Stay motivated!
  • sienaashleigh
    Hello, I've got some advice for you. Don't let that gym membership go to waste. Working out is not only how you get thinner, but its healthy for you, it does wonders for your physical and mental health as well. The more you work out the less crap you will want to eat because you will have in your head that you just busted your *kitten* to burn unhealthy calories so why ingest more and kill the work out? You will notice that working out will make you feel healthier and lighter on your feet, and you'll have the natural urge to eat healthier. This is what my therapist recommended to me because I had a hard time even LOOKING at my gym, she said I should just take a trip there and walk in for a minute, just to get the feel of being in there, and then walk out. I did exactly what she told me to, except I liked being in there so much that I got right into working out. Trust me, the dieting AND working out together, that weight will fall RIGHT OFF. Any amount of exercise over the amount you're doing right now will show you improvements in your body and pretty quick too if you dedicate yourself. And, if you have the money, get yourself a trainer, or see if you can get a free training session to help motivate you and see what different exercises you should be doing to burn fat in different places that you want to lose it. I hope I helped and good luck to you! I know you can do it! & this is a great place to get started!
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Hey there, if you need a friend, or some motivation, I'm there. I definitely know what you are going through.
  • heneedsmylove33
    hello i was always skinny growing up up until 4 yrs ago that i had kids i gained a lot of weight went from 140 something to190 im about the same height as you 5'4" and show all in my hips stomach and thighs i also go on binges then feel bad about it after i think the key to my eating habbits are unkown knowledge of eating healthy as well as stress and being a at home mother i really have no other life then kids cooking for kids or husband and cleaning the house lol my kids are little but i instead of walking to the park will drive im just so lazy and am ready for the change i think by us joing this website it will help us see what we are eating see our work out habits and we will wake up and joing the " skinny girl world" also my work outs are the micheal jackson game lol have you played it wow that will make a fat girl like me sweat so fast lol anyways i think the gym is so over rated if you dont like the gym try something you do like the gym isnt for everyone a few years back i lost weight by jogging i was 185 went down to 170 in about 2 months and kept it off i was doing the slim fast diet drinking a can in the morning and at dinner bc lunch is my fav meal and for lunch i ate soup. now im gonna try slim fast again i know it works i just gained all that weight after the slim fast diet bc i got pregnant with my twins but the slim fast diet and micheal jackson and a healthy at home 500 cal lunch hopefully it works
  • heneedsmylove33
    im glad your doing great what i think lots of people dont realize is small changes mean a lot. i too am doing wii games and i think its better then the gym bc to start off i am not into the gym thing and i love dancing and my kids love to see me dance lol and i strongly believe in if its not something fun it wont stick and changing , this change is and needs to be life changing so idk i cant see my self going to the gym for the rest of my life but dancing? haha yess! good luck on your journey and congrats to a new begining :) we can do it!
  • BriUndead
    Hello, my name is Bri. :) I'm 22, 5'0, and weigh 195. I also am at my heaviest I've ever been and am not proud of myself. I've been overweight most of my life and am finally ready to get in shape and be healthy. I wish you luck.
  • hollydetra
    hollydetra Posts: 50 Member

    I guess this is jut me introducing myself. I am 20 years old,5'4-5'5 ish I currently weight 183.6 pounds. This is the highest I have ever been and I am so ashamed of myself.

    I have had issues with food all of my life, ranging from obese childhood to anorexia in my high school years.

    And I think it is about time I do it the right way :)

    Right now I don't exercise, even though I have a gym membership
    I eat great during the day then completely binge at night.
    I am looking to change my view of food and exercise.
    Please help and join me on this journey :)

    You are not alone! Kudos to you for making a great choice. That's the first step in the right direction. I'd be happy to support and motivate you and would love it if you could do that for me :) Please add me as a friend! Let's do this :)
  • cocobuny
    cocobuny Posts: 32 Member
    I also am the heaviest i ever been.after baby number two im weighing in at 200 at 5'6.i just cant take it anymore. i would love to join u in your fitness journey.i alternate insanity,hip hop dance workouts on youtube, and yoga.hop all this works to get me hot for my dirty thirty bday.i look fwd to putting on that outfit thats in my profile pic.
  • cocobuny
    cocobuny Posts: 32 Member
    Im a stay at home mom too.and just wanna get my hot sexy swag back i think we can do it if we help each other