Scheduling Workouts

jcm214 Posts: 157
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So, the last time I worked out even a little consistently I was in graduate school and didn't have a job. It was nice, my schedule was pretty open to working out whenever I felt comfortable.

But now, I have an 8-4 job, some nights we stay late for school events, and every Thursday an appointment until 530 and I get home around 615ish. I'm trying to find the best time to get my work out done. No time really sounds appealing but I'm working on the motivation part.

I'm no stranger to getting up early. In high school I went to a school out of my district and was up at 0430 and on the bus at 0530. Then boot camp. They had me up plenty early.

Now I get up at 0610 and I leave for work at 0725. I do not spend all of that time getting ready. I'm pretty quick.

My problem is that I don't know if I want to get up earlier and work out, or wait until I get home and I'm already exhausted and try to work out. Turbo Jam has some videos that are 20 minutes, some days require 2 videos, and some videos are 45 minutes.

So... what do you guys think? I know some of you are earlier risers and probably have a pretty good argument for getting up earlier and I'm guessing some of you shudder at that idea.

I want to hear both sides of the argument.

Thank you all!!! You are awesome!


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I work 8:30-5pm or so and I am so not a morning person! I work out the second I get in the door after work around 5:30. If I sit down or get distracted doing something, I won't want to work out. I also go to the gym right after work on Tues and Thurs, and the gym is in my office building for free so it's great. Even if I'm exhausted after work, exercising gives me a boost of energy for the rest of the evening. I actually look forward to it at the end of the work day, nice way to de-stress. So don't completely write off working out after work, I can't imagine working out any other time.
  • For me mornings work best. I used to be one that shuddered even at the thought of getting up early. But it became my only option and I gave it a shot. I LOVE IT! I went from being a cranky person in the morning and sluggish until about 10 to up and ready to go. Working out makes me feel great and gives me lots of energy during the day. Something I hadn't expected but I LOVE it!

    I would totally recommend mornings. Just give it a try for a week and see how it goes!
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    That is a good point - the destressing things. I've thought on my way home that I would get home and work out and feel better but as soon as I get changed I'm done. Maybe I should try it one way for a week and the other way the next week.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    When I was working and when I was doing turbo jam I got up every morning and either did the 20 minute workout or ab jam. I alternated everyday. If I felt like it when I got home or on the weekends I did the others. Not really how Chalean suggests to do it but it worked for me that time around. good luck.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    When I work a 9-5, I prefer some butt-kicking pilates in the am. You can shower it off and head into work feeling great about yourself because you've already been productive and started your day off right. I'll do a more pleasant work-out after work, maybe a dance class (I do ballet and Argentine tango) or a nice long walk while dinner's in the oven. I alternate days; this way, I'm not bored by doing the same thing and the length and intensity of my work-out is always varried.

    Right now, though, my schedule is off kilter. I tend to get one long round of yoga or pilates in the afternoon and dance only on weekends. I can't wait til work starts up again and I can get back to my schedule! (I'm moving next week and have down-time between old and new job) I'm also excited because my new place has a pool--I can alternate between walks and swimming to keep things ultra-varried, lol

    Everyone is different. Keep in mind whether you prefer to work-out on a full or empty stomach and factor that in.
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    I used to shudder at the thought of working out in the AM's, but now I work in the evenings (from home) so it's not a possibility then. My morning w/o's are probably later than you would have because I stay up late working, so I sleep till 7:00, get my kids to school and then w/o before I shower. It works for me!
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    When I work a 9-5, I prefer some butt-kicking pilates in the am. You can shower it off and head into work feeling great about yourself because you've already been productive and started your day off right. I'll do a more pleasant work-out after work, maybe a dance class (I do ballet and Argentine tango) or a nice long walk while dinner's in the oven. I alternate days; this way, I'm not bored by doing the same thing and the length and intensity of my work-out is always varried.

    Right now, though, my schedule is off kilter. I tend to get one long round of yoga or pilates in the afternoon and dance only on weekends. I can't wait til work starts up again and I can get back to my schedule! (I'm moving next week and have down-time between old and new job) I'm also excited because my new place has a pool--I can alternate between walks and swimming to keep things ultra-varried, lol

    Everyone is different. Keep in mind whether you prefer to work-out on a full or empty stomach and factor that in.

    Argentine tango sounds like a lot of fun! When I started exercising when we (work) were on spring break I was doing it around 8am and found that I felt great for the rest of the day. My only problem is deciding to wake up earlier to get it done. But it did help how I felt.

    We have a pool in our neighborhood but I've been told (we just moved here in January) that it gets too crowded to actually swim in. I've been thinking about joining a gym for that reason and to try spinning but I'm not ready to put forth the money until I can prove that I will exercise consistently over a period of time.

    Good luck with your move. I've done my fair share and they can be a pain but it sounds like you are excited. That always helps!
  • denriop
    denriop Posts: 12 Member
    After trying morning (no good for me - not a morning girl) and after work exercising at home (it is okay but sometimes really late at night), I decided last week to join a YMCA close to work. I go at lunch time with a group of friends from the office. We do the boot camp 2-3 times a week , it is a 35 minutes class but with shower, 10 minutes walk to and from, it takes 1:15 to 1:30.
    I grab some nuts before training because I don't want to be to hungy and I eat my lunch when I return at the office...sometime during meeting..:-)
    There is also a pool at the Y and I will go swimming those days where I can take longer time for lunch. I am consultant and I can do the schedule I want every day (starting and finishing time as long as I do 35 hours per week). It may not work for someone who cannot take longer than 30 minutes lunch time.

    Hope you will find a schedule that works for you.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    At one point I was having great success with lunch time workouts.

    I tried morning ones and I ended up exhausted because I couldn't get to bed early enough.

    Most of my workouts are directly after work. I go to places that are easy to get to from work, do my workout and then go home and have a late dinner. Not everyone wants to be getting home so late, but works for me.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    That is a good point - the destressing things. I've thought on my way home that I would get home and work out and feel better but as soon as I get changed I'm done. Maybe I should try it one way for a week and the other way the next week.

    I have been working out as soon as I get home, before I eat dinner. If I sit down and eat, I don't want to do it. I've also walked the school track right after work or during part of my lunch. I don't think it matters when you do it as long as you do it. It's amazing how much time you really have when you schedule exercise as part of your day.
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    At one point I was having great success with lunch time workouts.

    I tried morning ones and I ended up exhausted because I couldn't get to bed early enough.

    Most of my workouts are directly after work. I go to places that are easy to get to from work, do my workout and then go home and have a late dinner. Not everyone wants to be getting home so late, but works for me.

    I have no problem getting to bed early. It is actually pretty sad, I'm typically heading to bed around 830 and snoozing around 9. I'm only 27 and I tell myself I should be able to stay up later but I think part of it is because I'm on metoprolol (a beta blocker) and Buspar (an anti-anxiety) and both have fatigue as a side effect.

    Now that I think about it, I might be better off trying a morning work out if I'm already tired by the end of the day.
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    That is a good point - the destressing things. I've thought on my way home that I would get home and work out and feel better but as soon as I get changed I'm done. Maybe I should try it one way for a week and the other way the next week.

    I have been working out as soon as I get home, before I eat dinner. If I sit down and eat, I don't want to do it. I've also walked the school track right after work or during part of my lunch. I don't think it matters when you do it as long as you do it. It's amazing how much time you really have when you schedule exercise as part of your day.

    Walking the school track would be a great idea. We also have a greenway that runs next to our school. It would be nice to walk that too.
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    I love MFP! You all are amazing and have given me a ton of ideas and thoughts about which direction might be best for me. Thank you a million times over.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I used to try morning workouts, but I find I have stuck to it better working out after my day is done. Whenever you do it, though, write it down! Putting my workouts in my planner like any other appointment made me feel more accountable for keeping them.
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I love working out at night... however, I go when time suites me.. I am a full time college student and have my own place, a fiance and well Lots of hw... I just go... and I fit in Yoga and ZUmba as well..a s long as your doing it it dont matter when, At least I believe it. GOOD LUCK at trying to get there:bigsmile:
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I'm a big fan of morning workouts. You get it out of the way and don't have to stress about it all day. Plus, it revs your metabolism for the whole day! Do mornings! That's my vote :happy:
  • My schedule varies, but I try to get up and to the gym by 5:30am. I'm not interrupting anyone elses life, and I typically don't have much going on that at 4:30am a time or 2 per week. Then I go for about an hour to an hour and a half, 5 or 6 days a week. My body wants to go to bed by 9pm, so I am completely ready and tired by then. On my early work days I go straight from work to the gym so I have no excuses. I have 2 kids, I am involved with church activities, and a full time job but I figure I won't be any use to them if i'm dead, so i'll keep on working out and finding more time : ) For example My schedule was so hectic today that I dropped the kids off at home at 10pm after my church stuff and off the the gym I went!! But I can't stay up this late every night...I am wiped out!
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