advice needed!!!!

Going to Fl in July and don't wanna see high school friends being this over weight? How much can one lose in five months? What exercise should I do? How many calories? I need help from those who have done it.....pleeez


  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    To lose consistently, you'll need to calculate your BMR. I don't know it, but I'm sure you can find it on several sites. Then, eat just above that many calories, something like 1.2 to 1.4 times as much as the BMR should be about perfect unless in your every day life you are very active. Also, make sure you drink gobs of water. My old track coach said we should drink half as many ounces of water as pounds we weighed. I weighed 120 pounds at the time (and quite a lot more now) so I drank 60 oz of water a day, minimum. Feel free to flavor it with something.

    For work outs, you should do some form of cardio about four days a week for at least twenty minutes and probably closer to sixty, and rarely in consecutive days, and then two strength training days and make sure you get a rest day where your body can recover. They're important. Always stretch before workouts. This should help you lose at the very minimum a pound or two a week, but if you don't see results, don't get discouraged for a week or two it takes the body to catch up to what you're doing. I would even give it as long as a month.

    As for examples of work outs. For cardio, I like to switch it up, at least two days I'll run/jog on the treadmill, walking for thirty seconds at 3.5, then I jog for 45 seconds at 4.5, then I run for as long as I can at about 5.2-5.5. Other days I do the cycle on the random hill generator level 4 or 5, pushing as hard as I can every other song and using the other time for recovery. I've done zumba, played sports, and gone on the elliptical for cardio as well. As for strength training, I've been doing various sit ups and small dumbbell things mostly. I always end with a long plank and make sure to do some squats for a firm booty.

    I run a fitness blog, I've been in sports for several years, and I'm very interested in it, though I'm fairly young and just starting to live the lifestyle I preach. You can message me and ask me for further advice if you'd like.
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    I would stick to exercises like cardio(running, walking, hills and ellpictals at the gym) and dancing
    for about $8 at Wal-Mart pick up Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred and kickboxing
    stick to exercise like jumping jacks, pushups, set ups, lunches, squats,butlifts etc...

    avoid processed foods, sweets and well just totally watch what you eat...

    I did a body cleanse from Gnc and well results were amazing totally helped kick start my diet and metabolism again.... you could loose 20 pounds in 5 months just have to be strict and stick to it

    down that water, be safe and well push hard!!!