putting weight back on!!!!!

I was doing so well lost 8lb since I started, the past couple of weeks I've weighed myself an have put on 4lb, the clothes that were a bit tight fit better, I work out 2/3 Times a week and on 1200 calories which I'm usually under, so why the sudden weight gain???


  • Could be retaining water or adding muscle maybe?
  • kinkomaria
    kinkomaria Posts: 4 Member
    Don't go under 1200 or you will slow down your metabolism. Throughout the month you may bounce around due to water and hormones, but week over week will show a steady decline as long as you don't give up. Also, make sure you are sipping water all day. If you are not drinking enough water then your body will fight back and retain water for you. Drink at least 8 cups a day (more on work out days). The important thing is to keep doing the right things for your body in proper calorie intake and exercise. Click on this link and see how this young man (20) has succeeded by dropping from 290 to 205 by not giving up.


    Look at your week over week weight loss. Don't worry about bouncing around from day to day. Good luck and keep it up!
  • traceyjg
    traceyjg Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the advise, I don't really drink alot of water so will defiantly try it :)
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    4lbs is easily fluctuation from water or poop or both.

    you wont gain real weight at a deficit (especially a significant one).
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    Poop water or your cycle
    Only weigh myself first thing in morning as weight has fluctuated by more than this in a day
    Exercise can burn 8 lbs for me
    You can have a bad day and a bad week but not two weeks in a row normally gets you through poop and water retention and believe your cycle