New to all this, mum of two girls, baby weight needs to go!

Hi, My name is Nicky, i live in Bedfordshire, UK
My eldest daughter is nearly 4 and youngest daughter 1yrs old in 3 WEEK'S!!
My story as brief as poss is, went up to 15 stone 3lb before children, wanted a baby so knew i had to do something, had suffered from panic attacks and anxiety and was on medication to help. my confidence was low and nearly become a recluse. If it wasnt for my husband helping and encouraging me all the way i would be in a different place now.

started my weight loss journey Jan 08, by August was 13 stone 3lbs after losing 2 stone and in my size 14's again. august 18th after over a year of trying found out i was pregnant!!
Molly born April 30th, after 5 weeks only had 5lbs left to loose, but after i stopped feeding gradually over the next yr would nearly pilled it all back on again.
two yrs later unexpectedly found out was pregnant again at my biggest weight. Freya born March 2012, and now nearly a year later im back to where i was in 2008!!!

Im now 30 yrs old and having no more babies i plan to loose this weight for good, i'm in a good place and ready to do this, my will power is back FINALLY and loving this new app. only been on it a week but 3rd week of diet.

Shame im stuck at only losing 6lbs, this last week been going crazy with exercise every night and food less than 1400 cals a day. prob nearly 1000 less than i was 3 weeks ago. yet not losing anymore. am worried i'll get deflated and give up!!

Also am waiting to find out a date for my gallstone surgery! i am petrified to say the least.
Cant wait for summer, want to be gallstone free and at least a stone lighter, and enjoy my two girls, and my lovely hubby
heres hoping
be lovely to get some new friends on here always welcome any encouragement and you'll get the same from me