New plan?

Nothing really working for me, since November I been going with this current plan.

1600 calories a day
run 3-5 times a week for 30 mins
strength train 2-3 a week
and to this day only lost 5lbs from it but it came back and i didnt change anything.

I'm 18 female, height 5'3 and weight 140. I was 135 but for whatever reason I got back to 140-142
I'm about 26-27% body fat.

so since I have little to lose should I do more strength training and less cardio? eat more or less? I need to change something, because this isn't working.

And my diet is ok, its not great and I try to choose to eat clean when I can. But sometimes I cant due to money issues. But whatever I'm eating for the day I stay under my calorie limit no matter what. Also I avoid junk as much as possible.

any tips and advice are appreciated!



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    First open you diary. You dont need to eat clean to lose weight. My big question is how many calories do you really eat daily if your goal is 1600 and you are always under. Based on you stats i would have you eat 1800 calories. I personally like macros around 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fats.

    If you want to cut fat i would weight train 3-4 and cardio 1-2, preferably HIIT instead of stead state.
  • Hmmmm, this is odd. You may want to see a doctor. If what you're saying is true, I'm surprised you haven't lost more weight. You are at a healthy weight for your height, so maybe that's just where your body "likes to be" (i.e. you've hit a plateau). You could up your cardio and see if that makes a difference, but I wouldn't make any drastic changes--it looks like you're doing what you can and have a healthy lifestyle.

    Good luck!
  • xMiracat
    xMiracat Posts: 67 Member
    mine is set at 40% carbs and protein and 20% fats too. And my diary is open now.
  • xMiracat
    xMiracat Posts: 67 Member
    thanks, maybe i'll up my cardio
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    From your diary, it looks like you eat a lot of prepackaged foods, eat out a lot, and "quick add" calories quite often.

    That being said, I think you're doing a pretty good job having a healthy lifestyle, especially for someone as young as you. Do you have access to a kitchen and a grocery store with fresh food? I'm not suggesting a drastic change here. I'm just recommending to be more mindful of all the things you put in your mouth. You're making really good choices, in my opinion, with the things you are eating prepackaged and when you eat out. I think you'll just find more success if you eat more things without labels or packaging.

    Don't be discouraged. I think you can do this without changing anything drastically.
  • What has worked best for me is focusing on eating the most nutritionally dense foods I can eat and not worrying so much about calories. If you are really feeding your body what it needs, you will eat less. This works. Plus you'll feel better.

    Lentils and beans are cheap and nutritious and you can eat these plus leafy greens when your budget is tight. Dry beans are crazy cheap! Eat chicken thighs instead of breast meat, save the bones and make your own stock. Cabbage = cheap, nutrient dense, fills you up. There are ways to eat unprocessed foods without spending tons of money--if you really want to make the effort.

    "Stepping up cardio" may help nudge you off a plateau for now but if you want to get where you want to be you will do better examining your food choices. As PP said you are eating a lot of processed, packaged food that is full of chemicals and sugar. You are young and can get away with it to an extent, but maybe take this time to learn how to cook and feed yourself real food? It's a commitment but you will have it your whole life! No one is perfect but the more you can do this the better chance you have of keeping the weight off.

    And I agree about interval training v steady state. Your body is an efficient machine. If you are slogging away on a machine with the same workout everyday your body will adapt so it uses less energy to get the job done. You have to mix it up in terms of intensity and/or activity.
  • xMiracat
    xMiracat Posts: 67 Member
    yea i have to eat out a lot and prepackaged foods because one packages foods are cheaper, and two i still live with my dad and he brings the fast foods for dinner
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    do you use a hrm? are you eating 1600 cals gross or net?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    How long have you been logging? I went back two weeks and you only logged like 4 days. The first thing should be consistent logging for 1 month before you change your plan. Second i would up cardio especially if your goal is to cut fat. Cardio just creates a large deficit which can be counter intuitive to fat loss and muscle loss becomes more prevalent.

    Seriously the best plan you can do is log daily and if anything up weight training and keep cardio around 2 days. If you want a cardio effect look up anaerobic weight training exercises, essentially compound lifts that work multiple muscles at the same time.
  • xMiracat
    xMiracat Posts: 67 Member
    well the last 2 weeks i havent been logging because i injured my calf really bad from running so doctor told me to relax for awhile. so i wasnt on much. But before that 2 week break I been pretty much going on it non stop. thanks for the advice!
  • xMiracat
    xMiracat Posts: 67 Member
    no i dont use a hrm. what do u mean eating 1600 gross?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    yea i have to eat out a lot and prepackaged foods because one packages foods are cheaper, and two i still live with my dad and he brings the fast foods for dinner

    Like I said, you're doing great with what you have to work with. You are doing a great job.

    However, I do have to disagree that packaged foods are cheaper. Basically NOTHING is cheaper than rice and beans and/or making foods from scratch -- if you know how. Would your dad eat meals that you made instead of bringing home fast food?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    no i dont use a hrm. what do u mean eating 1600 gross?

    1600 gross is when you only eat 1600 cals a day and that's it even if you exercise like crazy..... or do you eat 1600 cals and then exercise and eat those exercise cals back which gives you more then 1600 cals a day?

    even if you are not exercising you should still log what you eat daily to keep track.
  • xMiracat
    xMiracat Posts: 67 Member
    well i only eat when im hungry, so some days its 1600 gross and other days its 1600 calories and maybe more whether i exercised or not. Most of the time I eat 1600, and not eat back my exercise calories.
  • xMiracat
    xMiracat Posts: 67 Member
    hes really stubborn and doesnt believe me when i say healthy foods can be cheaper. I wouldnt mind making it but he have to buy the ingredients. I also live in a big city so healthy foods really arent cheap here.