Fellow stay at home moms



  • fatgirljessica
    Hi. I'm gonna add you! My diary is open to friends so you can see how I eat. I have it set to post when I exercise and I'll be posting little tid bits I find helpful...

    I'm a stay home mom to a 3 year old little girl. :)
  • SprinkledWithEmotion
    Added you. I'm a SAHM with two boys.
  • jmjones2002
    Hey!! I'm a stay at home as well. My kiddos are 17, 13, and 7:-) I have been a SAHM the last 10yrs. We recently moved & I've made some new friends but most of them work full-time. I just recently joined a gym and it was very intimidating at first. I knew nothing would change if I didn 't put myself out there. It has always been my lil family first before anything..with doing that I have failed myself. I love my family but need to make time for mommy as well. I have struggled with my weight for 17yrs now & it's time to finally get this off for good. My hysterectomy was in April & I gained all 30lbs I had lost back so it's been pretty frustrating. The last time it came off so easy but now it's taking longer so I'm trying to keep my motivation..Please feel free to add me..this goes for any of you:-) Be Blessed!!
  • drodrigues123
    My son is 20 months and I just started a gym this week. Feel free to friend me, please put stay at home mom in the message. I am looking for an accountability partner.
  • boomerette
    boomerette Posts: 13 Member
    wow there are a LOT of us...which is awesome. I am a 30yr old SAHM, mom of four boys ages 8,6,4, and 1(18months). It is a challenge eating healthy at times especially because I seem to often finish what my one year old wont eat. I have stopped that and have a bout 12 pounds to go not to mention some major toning. July isnt far away and I want to look fit!!!! Feel free to add me!!! The more friends the better!!!! :) more encouragement!!!