Hi, I'm new to MFP. I weigh 72kg and i'm 23 yrs old. I want to lose as much weight as i can before June. I am willing to exercise upto an hour a day for 6 days and want to lose around 2lbs a week. I can't afford to go to the gym and prefer to do workouts at home. I have 3lbs weights at home. Can someone please tell me which exercises to do at home that would allow me to lose weight and tone up. I have a weak knee, so any exercise which doesn't affect it would be appreciated. I would really appreciate your help.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    How many calories per day are you trying to eat? How many calories of exercise are you trying to work off? Can you walk and do bodyweight exercises like lunges and pushups?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    First off, don't rush it. Fast weight loss isn't healthy. You are far too small to sustain a 2lb per week weight loss. At your current weight I imagine you would want to lose about 20 more lb (although you didn't say how tall you are). Since you are smaller to being with you can't expect to lose weight quickly while remaining healthy. Aim for 0.5lb per week... 1lb at most but once you get down to about 10-15lbs left you need to lower your goal to 0.5lbs per week.

    Quick weight loss will lead to muscle loss. Too large of a deficit will increase the amount of muscle you lose. You need to ensure you retain as much muscle as possible while you lose weight.

    3lb weights will not do anything for you. Toning also doesn't exist. You either lose, gain or maintain your muscle mass. When in a calorie deficit you lose muscle mass.

    Read the In Place of a Roadmap thread (I don't have the link so just do a quick search for it in the forums) and follow that advice.

    Don't put a time limit on your weight loss. You have three months... I would imagine you could lose around 15lbs.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    Nike training app, very little equipment required!
  • ocragal
    ocragal Posts: 45 Member
    I found Nike Training Club free app through recommendations from these forums. It has a wide array of workouts in different time allotments. I found it to be a great place to start. I am also using the fitbit one and committing to 10,000 steps a day. Good luck to you -- you are amazing now, and think how amazing you will feel when you reach your June goal!!!
  • luxyt
    luxyt Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for ur advice guys. Im 170cm in height. I had a look around the forums and I am thinking of doing jillian michaels 30 day shred and do tiffany rothe workout to make up the hour. I am not very fit, can't do push ups and lunges. I am hoping to lose about 500 calories by doing these workouts, not sure wether it will be about 500 calories. According to MFP i should eat about 1200 calories, but i think i should stick to 1500 calories. Do u think i can achieve weight loss by doing these workouts?
  • Beenie686
    I have week knees too and am probably your mom's age. If I don't keep my upper leg muscles built up my knees hurt going up and down stairs. I do squats and lunges, but I make sure my movements are slow and my form is good. Slow makes that good burn in the leg muscles. Fast movement puts stress on my knees. I 'sneek in' squats when doing activities such as brushing my teeth. I also do intervals on a stationary bike as this exercise was given to me by a sports physiotherapist for my knees.