Which HRM (Polar) should I order??

I am stuck between the FT4 and FT7 Polar HRM. I have never had one before, so this will be my first. What experience do you have with them? Which one do you recommend?


  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    FT4. Its cheaper, does basically the same things as the FT7.
    If its your first HRM and youre going to be using it for simply tracking your calories burned and monitoring your heart rate, then just get the FT4. I think the only difference between the 2 is that the FT7 calculates how much fat% was burned during your workout as well as total calories.

    I have the FT4 and i love it.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    Is it comfortable to use? And does it also function as a watch?
    I work at a camp during the summer so always need the time on me to know where the kids should be. Do either of them also function as a watch or no?
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member