If you had the money

So here is the question. If you had the money (about $10,000) and you lost a ton of weight and wanted to get a body lift and a boob job would you spend that much money on yourself? I have a friend that has this dilemma. Insurance won't cover it even with her doctor recommending it so if she wants it she has to pay for it. She really has a poor image of her body and this would mean a lot to her psychologically as well as physically but she can't get over spending that amount of money on herself. She wants to pay off her car or fix up her backyard or take a family vacation. This woman works 4 jobs and works hard for her money and can't seem to make the decision to spend a little of that hard earned dough on herself. So what do you think? Should she do something for herself or spend it on other things?


  • Ilyandra
    Ilyandra Posts: 5 Member
    It may sound shallow, but given how much focus people put on appearance, it seems like a good investment. If it makes you feel better about yourself, then you will radiate that confidence and positive energy to those around you. However, it's a very personal decision, and the choice to go under the knife for any reason is not one to be made lightly. Maybe your friend should talk with a counselor that has experience with low self esteem and body dysmorphic disorder and help her get some perspective on her situation and her views. Then she can make a more informed decision that is appropriate for her.