
If anyone on here as an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)... I have a bunch of anxiety/questions and I can't make myself go back to the doctor to get a prescription. I have a general phobia of doctor appointments and diagnoses in general. I recently got blood work done and my doctor said that my TSH came back a little elevated and I should make an appointment to get a prescription to fix this.
What generally is your experience before and after taking medication for this? Did it change anything? Make you feel better?

Thank you


  • I have had no negative side effects with Synthroid. It helped me greatly at first, but now I am having blood work to see if a higher dosage is needed. It is important to have a good ongoing relationship with your doctor or endocrinologist to manage your levels. I suggest finding a D.O. rather than a M.D., because our disease is different for everyone and D.O.s have learned by practicing and doing rather than from books... they listen and communicate better. Good luck!
  • I agree with buddhafulme. I've been taking synthyroid for about 3-4 yrs and quite honestley, things are better! However, my hypothyroidism IS progressive. Every 3 months i get a blood test to moniter the levels and i have needed to increase my dosage. twice. Also, With such prolonged use, there is a risk of developing low blood pressure (hypotension) which i now have, though it is mild and is manageable. Another thing that i found really helped reduce my symptoms is eating regularly and often. Hope this helps! Hypothyroidism isn't fun.