does water really help

Hello everyone ~

I have been reading that hunger and the desire for water are often confused with each other. I am wondering with the exception of mealtimes should I be drinking water when I feel hungery? I usually find myself drinking a lot of water but during meal times and before bed. I know the theory of drinking when hungery to lose weight and in theory should work. I am wondering more about getting the 2 confused (hunger and thirst).

I ask because I am making a new commitment to myself and my health. I had lost 25 lbs but gained 4 back upon my wife leaving me and between work and school for a total of 93 hours in a week as a contributing factor for the weight gain. As well as not being accountable for what I am eating or how much or the time I am eating it.

Just looking for some fresh prespective. I appreciate everyone's input and look forward to reading what you have to say.


  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I think it helps, and it's a small thing to make you feel like you are doing something healthier.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    Water is your friend! You can't wrong with water.
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    My goal is a gallon a day. I find it really helps keep my snacking in check (and my skin seems to like it too). I alternate between plain water and flavoring it with MIO or Crystal Light packs. Can't go wrong with water! :drinker:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I think the hunger/thirst confusion is a real thing. I know for me, drinking more water has helped me to keep from over-eating. I make sure I get at least nine glasses per day, more on days when I have a heavy workout. I carry a water bottle with me almost everywhere I go, so I can get sips in throughout the day.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Water suppresses hunger. It fills you up quicker if you drink it steadily with a meal. Water flushes your body of toxins and cleanses you. Water is amazing and as said above it is your friend!

    A year ago I hated drinking water. You get used to it. If I leave my house without my water bottle now I will most likely feel dehydrated. My body craves water now.

    Edit: Additionally, it is suspected that at times when your stomach growls, there's a possibility your body may need water; not food.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Water suppresses hunger. It fills you up quicker if you drink it steadily with a meal. Water flushes your body of toxins and cleanses you. Water is amazing and as said above it is your friend!

    A year ago I hated drinking water. You get used to it. If I leave my house without my water bottle now I will most likely feel dehydrated. My body craves water now.

    Edit: Additionally, it is suspected that at times when your stomach growls, there's a possibility your body may need water; not food.

    ^ This!
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    When I experimented doing two gallons a day and a gallon a day, I was never ever hungry.
    5-10 cups of green tea a day is also a great alternative if you don't like drinking water plain.
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    If I'm still hungry after drinking water, I'll have 5 raw almonds. After 5 minutes, I find that I am no longer hungry. I may still crave something, but I am now more able to distinguish between hunger and cravings.
  • PandaPudges
    Something to the effect of 37% of American's overeat because they confuse dehydration with hunger. The same percentage of people are chronically dehydrated. Ever since I upped my water intake to a minimum of 2 liters of water a day, I eat far less.
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    Well it won't hurt you to drink a lot of water and see how it works for you, thats for sure.
  • MommaRoseFitness
    MommaRoseFitness Posts: 87 Member
    I always drink water before I eat. I believe that my body does confuse water and hunger. A lot of water is in food most of the time, so I think that could be why. I have lost the urge just to snack a billion times a day from drinking water. Also, when I am around junk food at events or parties I always have a bottle of water to resist the urge to eat them.
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    Hey there -

    Water is great and it should be drunk...drank?....consumed, yeah consumed as much as possible really. With meals is great as it can help you feel fuller quicker and that way you don't over-eat. The best way about it for your question though I think would be is have your meals planned out, more little meals over the day can work better at keeping you feeling full then 3 huge main meals. Just have water all the time and eat those every 3 or so hours ( I forget what the time should actually be) and go from there.

    OH also the better hydrated you are, the greater your fat loss will be, I believe it is when fat cells are well hydrated they burn up/break up/are used much easier by the body. I've seen people on big diets but until they started having the correct amount of water each day they weren't losing weight. Also the more hydrated you are the better the whole body runs too.

    Sorry about long reply just wanted to share what I've seen.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I've always been of the school of thought that you should drink as much water as possible - but I read last night that drinking too much water with meals can actually mess up your digestion because it dilutes your stomach acid, and then your food doesn't get broken down and assimilated as well...

    Makes sense... something to consider.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    staying properly hydrated will help your body with a whole lot of different things. hunger/thirst confusion may be one such thing.

    It doesn't have to be water to hydrate you.
  • Goldie_13
    In my opinion it does help plus getting your sleep. :)
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    I am not exaggerating when I say I NEVER drank water. I would have 4-5 cups of coffee a day, a glass of ice tea with dinner, and then a beer or a glass of wine at night. I was constantly hungry and especially craved salty things like chips and crackers. My pee looked like orange juice and I was obviously dehydrated. I peed maybe 2 times a day.

    Once I joined MFP, I started drinking 1-2 cups of coffee and aimed for 64oz of water a day minimum. (I still enjoy a beer on the weekends :drinker: )
    It was amazing-I was no longer voraciously craving chips, I didn't constantly think about food, and it was easier to make healthy choices because I wasn't feeling starved and just tossing anything into my mouth. My skin improved, my bloat went down, and I had more energy. The trade-off is I am constantly running to the bathroom :laugh:

    I know people say that water is in a lot of fruits and other drinks and as long as you are hydrated you are ok, but water was a game-changer for me. Like a PP mentioned, I feel as naked without my water botter as I would without my cell phone! :wink:
  • AJinBirmingham
    Yes, it helps and hunger/thirst confusion is real - but any other non-alcoholic, caffeine free drink will help too.

    Remember, bottled water is now a huge commodity - and until we started BUYING it, we didn't hear nearly as much about how much of it we need to drink. :)
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Remember, bottled water is now a huge commodity - and until we started BUYING it, we didn't hear nearly as much about how much of it we need to drink. :)

    This is a bit of a chicken or the egg scenario. Which came first the scientific advice about the benefits of water or the bottled water manufacturers?