Need help and motivation

Hello everyone ~

I have had a hellofa run the last few months and am finding it hard to keep on task. I'll give a brief run down. I am holding my 40 hr week job, and another 54 hours of schooling on top of this, I am a newly single parent as my wife decided she no longer wanted to be in our 12 year marriage. I am feeling really burnt out. Knowing I tend to eat my emotions I really am struggling. I used to ride my bike for an hour for 5/6 days a week. I can't even seem to get the motivation to get on the damn thing.....I am making the commitment to start tracking what I eat again (One of the things I did religiously) which I had stopped. I've lost 25 lbs but gained at least 4 lbs back and don't even want to get near a scale. I know being held accountalbe for helps me so anyone who would like to help friend me up please. I do know this situation I'm in is not a life long thing and it is most likely a slump, but I really don't want to gain all 25 lbs back.

Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.



  • Just stick with it , I work construction and am always tired but after I workout I feel so much better
  • KRobertson36
    KRobertson36 Posts: 25 Member
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    Have you tried pre-planning your meals? Sounds like you're incredibly busy so perhaps find some healthy meals and do what you can to prep or pre-cook them so there is less thought process. Perhaps hang some motivation up around the house.... quotes that inspire, pictures of who you were or want to be, clothes that you like (that's probably more of a girl thing but something...). Find some support system (think of this as an addiction and with any recovering addicts you need a sponsor!).

    Just don't give up. Small changes can lead to a big result. Do it for child(ren) but most importantly, do it for YOU!