8 lbs in 8 weeks - possible?

Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I know 8 lbs in 8 weeks is a relatively healthy amount of weight to drop, but is it really possible when you're short (I'm 5'1) and already in your healthy BMI range (I'm at 22.9 - 120 lbs)? You may think it's silly to want to lose this weight, since I'm already a healthy weight, but I'd like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 112.

My sister and I started this weight loss challenge yesterday, and I'm hungry already today, even though I ate 1800 calories yesterday (I earned an extra 600 calories through activity). I guess it just makes me realize how much I was overeating.

I feel like I'm in withdrawal! I didn't stuff my face last night with peanutbutter like usual...


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    1800 calories of what? You may be eating non-filling foods.
  • hollymires
    hollymires Posts: 117
    make sure you are eating the right foods! Foods that have more protein keep you fuller for longer I think. Tofu...meat....greek yogurt (fat free) etc.
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    definitely possible, but it will take hard work and dedication. i suggest working out 6 days a week with a recovery day of 1 day. If you do that coupled with staying on your calorie limit, you should lose those 8 pounds in a cinch.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    1 pound per week requires you eat 1139 calories (if you have set your activity level as "lightly active"). That is below the 1200 calorie threshold that MFP has set.

    This caloric intake is below your BMR, which puts you at risk of entering starvation mode. On the other hand, this caloric intake is above 80% of your BMR, which suggests it may not be too agressive. Finally, one last consideration is that since you are lower in body fat (assumed by your BMI), the calories in-calories out/3500 model gets a bit muddier.

    I would suggest that on paper, 8 lbs in 8 weeks is "doable," but in reality, but probably not realistic. I would suggest making your goal about 1/2 that.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Well where are you now?

    If you're "skinny fat", a tiny framed woman whose 120 pounds includes 40 pounds of bodyfat, then ya', piece o' cake.

    OTOH, if you're a gymnast type, tiny dumptruck, weigh 120 pounds but 115 of it is muscle and bone - well then it's not gonna be so easy.

    Any idea what your bodyfat p% is?
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    One 1lb a week is reasonable.

    make sure that you write everything down and keep track of your proteins and carbs.

    make sure the proteins are lean: Chicken or Turkey Breast, Lean beefs like pork tenderloin or top sirloin, salmon or tilapia, etc.

    Good carbs such as 100% whole wheat breads and muffins, 100% whole wheat pasta, old fashion oalmeal (not the instant in packages which have lots of sugar), fruits and veggies. Dairy products like fat free cheese, skim milk, low fat or fat free cottage cheese and sour cream or ricotta cheese. Those are all good choices. Oh, also nuts like cashews, almonds, unsalted peanuts. Good fats like olive oil, avocado, flaxseeds, etc.

    Keep a balanced diet with all those food groups.

    Check out my webpage for my journey through fitness and good nutrition: www.teambeachbody.com/Stepmom1
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Try eating nutrient dense foods. Here is a good article that outlines this: http://www.peertrainer.com/diet/nutrient_density.html it is from another weight loss/food diary site. i don't use the site but their articles have really helped me in the past and this one is worth reading over and over.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks... take a look at my diet yesterday - that's pretty indicative of what I eat. I don't eat overly processed foods. I DO eat a mix of white and whole grain breads, but aside from the white breads, I eat whole foods pretty much exclusively. Also, I DO budget for ice cream every day... I'd go crazy without a little sweets at night. I'm going to try to transition from ice cream and whipped cream (two of my three fav foods - peanut butter being the third) to whipped cream and fruit, or just a piece of chocolate.

    Lots of fruits and veggies, lean meats, beans, tofu...nuts. I tend to go over on my fat, protein, and fiber, and under on my carbs. I could stand to eat more dairy, I think, but I don't really like milk and yogurt.

    Also, I'm breastfeeding a 6 month old, so it's really important that I eat enough...can't go into starvation mode for my milk production's sake as well as my own health!

    I don't think I'm skinny fat or built like a tank. I tend to hold fat in my stomach - like an apple, but since my pregnancy, also hold it in my thighs. I have no idea what my body fat is. Last time I had it checked was over 5 years ago, when I was 112 lbs, and it was 24%. Can that be checked at a regular doctor's office? I believe I'm medium framed.
  • If you really have an ice cream craving, keep a tub of fat free cool whip in the freezer! Then it kinda combines the ice cream/whipped cream into one and it's not bad!
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    It might be possible, but considering you're breast-feeding, don't be too fixated on it. Go steady and gradual, you lose what you lose but the key is to eat well enough such that you are able to feed your baby and your body has recovered from the delivery. You'll lose the pregnancy weight if you simply just keep a food diary and eat reasonably well. If you feel hungry, then you are most likely either eating too little or eating too much in one sitting... try to get away from eating 3 large meals/day and instead save about half of each meal as a snack for 2 hours later.

    Eat allot of salad, b/c salad is really just water and fiber, drink water, and you may find that weight gone, but don't get obsessed with it on a week to week basis.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Also, I DO budget for ice cream every day... I'd go crazy without a little sweets at night. I'm going to try to transition from ice cream and whipped cream (two of my three fav foods - peanut butter being the third) to whipped cream and fruit, or just a piece of chocolate.

    I can't see your diet, but if you're trying to watch cals but love your ice cream look into Skinny Cow if you haven't already. I get their truffle bars and they are 100 cals and VERY good. Also, sorbet is a good way to go as far as calories. 110 calories for a 3.6 oz container of Haagen Dazs. Yum!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I was in the same predicament as you after I had my 2nd baby. Unfortunately, I was hungry all of the time (and thus, ate more) until I stopped bf-ing him at 1 year. Then, I went on a strict diet and was able to drop the last 15 pounds within 3 months. I was too scared of losing my milk by dieting...so it might be something to consider. Eat nutrient rich and fiberous foods and that should help some with hunger.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    After my babies, I breastfed too. I was very health conscious and ate only whole foods...no sugar and nothing artificial. I was never hungry ate what I wanted and drank water from a Mason jar! I went down to 102# (Also 5 ft 1 and 1/2 inch) but it took 9-12 months. I gained 50# with each pregnancy and had 8#-9# babies. I put my babes in the sling and walked when ever the weather permitted. When we wanted another baby I had to focus on gaining a bit so my cycles would level out better.

    With breastfeeding, enjoy this precious time, eat really healthy, and the pounds will come off with time. Stay focused and keep moving. It was when I stopped nursing that I started to gradually gain.

    Now that I am 45 I long for those days again!!! So enjoy!
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