Weight Watchers vs. MFP



  • kwimpress
    MFP all the way! Its here 24/7for inspiration and information. A WW meeting will never give you the knowledge and support that the friends here will give you. Good luck :drinker:
  • cinbol
    cinbol Posts: 27 Member
    Tracking your calories and macro- and micronutrient intakes for free seems far superior to an artificial and expensive program that doesn't actually teach you how to eat in a healthy manner.

    I have to disagree with you - WW is a great program and does teach you how to eat healthy - it's all about portion control, eating the right foods (ie salad instead of a cheeseburger) etc , and leaning to eat healthy sustainable foods. The classes are informative and there are people on the same journey as you to offer encouragement along the way. The weekly weigh-in is designed to keep you accountable and to help you learn what foods "don't work" for you. Once you reach goal you check in monthly for free - you still get the support group but at no cost - so it's an incentive to stay on track and get to goal!

    That being said, I am a WW dropout - my issue was it was too easy to cheat on that program and swap points. Being on a LCHF program has opened my eyes to where the real culprit was in my diet - I cannot convert CARBS - my sugar levels were pre-diabetic, and my cholesterol 239 - now I am lower in sugar and down to a total cholesterol of 170 - 3 months into the program! Using MFP works for me because I can set my goals to be what I need for carbs and ignore the rest - calories and fat don't have to be counted - only the carbs so this tool works best for me now.

    But please don't bash another long standing well proven program if you don't truly understand how it works.
  • Kerrio247
    *Waving hand* I have! I was on Weight Watchers for a while last year (2012) and it was great. Lost 32 pounds. But, I wanted to save money, I have to buy new clothes, after all. I think their prices are just too high for the online portion. If I were going to meetings, then I would understand. MFP has been a God send! It's free, so it works in my budget :0 and I can now look at a food item and tell ya how many calories and fat are in there. On WW it was sort of a mystery. I think this is more useful in the "real world" - know what I mean?

    Let me put it this way, I'd pay for MFP. That's how much I love it. I haven't used the forums very much, I have had problems in the past with people on a another site, so I'm nervous about talking to people on here. But every other aspect of MFP has been very positive. Which ever way you choose, best of luck to you on your weight loss battle (I refuse to call it a journey, cause it FEELS like a battle).

  • lrae42
    lrae42 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am Laurie and I started this plan after seeing it on one of the talk shows, on January 7th of this year. I have found it SO easy to follow. I am staying around 1200 calories. they tell me I should be at 1290 so I am staying under that for sure. I downloaded the APP on my iphone and have been documenting everything I eat and one of the neat parts is you can scan a lot of the foods into your phone by barcodes and it documents the food by itself into MFP. Love it. the one thing I have been surprised about is the fact that now I am finding it so hard to even eat the 1200 calories allowed to me. I have never joined WW but I am using their recipes for a lot of my food choices. The recipes are really good. I am also learning how to make my meals with less calorie choices by substituting ingredients for lesser calorie items. My niece and I are doing this together and also work out together with the WII Active. I have lost 23 lbs so far and down a pant size from 22 to 20. I love it. I feel better and my clothes are falling off. We have even gone out to eat and if you check the menu before hand you can pick foods that are better to choose from the menu. also the waitresses have been very accommodating to help us substitute foods when needed.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm not sure if WW Australia is different or not. I was a member and lost quite a lot of weight with them over an 18 month period, got to goal became a life member and kept the weight off successfully for 5 years. Due to my own failings I put the weight back on.

    I ate real food with WW, but counted points not calories, and never had any real background information into TDEE, BMR and how exercise affects things. I know I always lost more weight when I ate back my exercise points. Plus, the meetings are terrific if you have a good leader and I met many real life friends there. For me it was a lifestyle change, not a diet. I still had chocolate and wine, and I lost weight and kept it off for 5 years. It wasn't WW fault I put it back on, that was my doing.

    This time around, I did think about joining WW again, but a friend mentioned this site, so I gave it a try and it suits me perfectly.

    I would never bag WW. I think it's a great programme and suits many people.

    I think the secret is to find something that suits your lifestyle and stick with it. Don't diet. Change your lifestyle for the better and make it a real life change.

    Good luck!!! This is a terrific site and I am so pleased to have found it.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Just one more thing, if you go by the MFP calculation for calories, please eat back say 1/2 to 3/4 of your exercise points. MFP calculates a deficit for you already if your goal is to lose weight.

    MFP does not allow for your planned exercise, it expects you to add the calories to your diet. However, the exercise calories can be a bit over estimated, so eating back 1/2 to 3/4 usually is the right amount. Of course, we are all different according to genetics etc, so find the amount that is right for you.

    Again, best wishes.
  • tealskater
    tealskater Posts: 38 Member
    I have done WW most of my adult life!! I reached my goal weight in 2003, but since then piled it all - plus a whole lot more - back on! I have followed WW on and off ever since. At the end of 2012, I decided to get stuck back in - went to the last class held before Christmas, and managed to maintain my weight over the holiday period. However, nothing really happened after that.

    Last week, I decided to double-track - I entered everything I ate into MFP and the WW site. I finished the day eating 1,200 cals - but I only had about 21 ProPoints. My daily allowance on WW was 30 ProPoints. If I had continued eating to use up my points, I would easily have eaten around 1,600 cals. That was a bit of a shock to me.

    I have decided to focus solely on calories in and out now - plus I find the support on here to be great. To see people on my friends list saying "well done" etc when I record exercise or eat within my calorie limits is really helping me. It is only in the last week that I have been adding friends and logging everything, but already it is helping me - people are supporting me and I don't want to let them down! I never really had that feeling at WW classes, particularly as I attended on my own.

    And of course, the best thing about MFP - it's free!!!
  • rachellefitz
    I'm doing ww now. I did ww 4 years ago, lost 16lbs and got into the best shape of my life, I saw my high school track coach and he told me I looked better that day then I did in high school. That was on the old program though, when fruit was 1 point and not 0 points. I'm currently using ww and mfp to see which one I like better and which one would be better for me to use in the long run.

    When I first did WW I planned on sticking with it until my goal of losing 18lbs but there were extenuating circumstances with my family that caused me to fall out of my routine and that was when I dropped ww. I actually found the meetings great, I really appreciated the support I received even if I only lost 0.2lbs in that week. I was always reminded that I should be proud that I am trying to better my life by caring about my body.

    I joined mfp because my friend told me that there is a huge support network here and I am noticing that already (I've only used mfp for about a week). You should definitely try doing both at the same time (i admit it is a pain inputting my food and exercise twice) for a while until you know which one will really help you for the future. It's not just about losing the weight but finding a lifestyle you can stick to in order to maintain the goal weight.

    Good luck! I hope you enjoy your time here, if you want another friend in the same boat feel free to add me :)
  • DarcysMuse

    I was on MFP then switched to WW. It was too expensive and too difficult to constantly convert to points values all the time. Now, I am back on MFP (as of yesterday) and already doing sooooo much better!! It really is simpler in the long run to use MFP!

    All I did was yo-yo on WW. On MFP I lost weight!

    Best of Luck and welcome!
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    This is another reason why MFP is better; we can give opinions and describe experiences more and it's great to see things you totally identify with! I too now experience no cravings and prefer "good" food treats to junk ones. Never thought I could say that!!

    I hit goal at WW back in the late 90's but sadly put it all back on and then some when tragedy hit our family. I think both programs are good for the right people, but for me it's too easy to eat the wrong foods on WW. I have switched to eating low carb/high fat/high protein and I seem to be loosing at a steady pace but never hungry. My doc wanted me to stay under 50 carbs per day - ignoring calories, fat, etc and it's working. For me personally I am finding that breads, pasta and sugar are my downfall but on WW I could sneak in some cookies or breads and just give up the points elsewhere ( or use those wonderful "bonus" points). But when I went back to WW and the new program and was eating really good, I still wasn't loosing - it wasn't until I cut the CARBS that I started having success. Now after 3 months I don't have those carb cravings and I have permission to have a "cheat" day but find it hard to cheat - I'd rather have a huge salad with chicken or ham than a cheeseburger..... now I look at the carbs on the package and ask myself if it's worth it?

    Bottom line, is you have to find something that works for your body and stick with it. Every "body" is different - mine is "insulin intolerant" and I just can't convert those darn carbs the way I should so I stay away from them. Will I never eat Pizza again? Yes I will as a matter of fact had it a week ago but 2 pieces instead of 3 or 4 and I was stuffed and felt lousy afterwards - won't do it again soon!
  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
    I used WW for 3 years and had absolutely no success! it let me eat too much! I started using MFP out of desperation cause I had to lose 50 lbs to qualify for my VSG I admit the first few weeks were tough but got it figured out! and lost the weight needed and now I have had my surgery and 75+ lbs down and feeling good still have a lot to lose I plan on using MFP !!! I love this and I love my friends and having their support is so important!!
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    For me, Weight Watchers didn't fix what was broken. I'm also a life time member. I don't blame WW for me not keeping the weight off, so don't get me wrong there. It is, just like weight watchers was a game. Points vs. food value I take the food value approach.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    My wife persuaded me to try it.


    Check calories, workout, get your macros straight for fat loss.


    Get to work.
  • mjh4cwh1
    mjh4cwh1 Posts: 21 Member
    I love MFP so much better! Find it easier and more motivating! I have cosistantly lost with MFP but not WW. You have to find what works for you.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    MPF is so much better, hands down. And I don't eat the same things to make it easier to track. I have found everything I've ever eaten on MFP and the recipe builder is the best!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am a WWer and this is what I discovered doing both at the same time....if you consume more starchy carbs then your calories on MFP will be less then if you eat more non-starchy foods. When I eat more vegetables & fruits in a day and very minimal starches even if healthy like whole wheat bread then I eat my calorie limit here on MFP or slightly more. Funny I always wondered how many calories was in the points I was eating at WWs now I now!
    I am about to quit again because of the money. I must say I have learned a lot again from the fabulous leader I had...she is awesome! Free is always a bonus!
  • Gemini_at_36
    ww is good but since I had gastric bypass, MFP works better for me. The more you work the site the easier it is.:smile:
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks for the responses. This is my first 5 minutes on MFP and I am liking it so far. I put meals in breakfast and lunch, and realized I only had less than 500 calories for dinner if I want to stay within the 1200 calories to lose...could be the reason I have not been having much success with WW...I guess it wouldnt hurt to do both until this comes more easily.

    Do you find you end up eating the same things so its easier to track?

    Count your calories as points or as calories...I go with the real deal!

    If your at 1200 calories....you must be in the 1% in the world that is actually on a 1200 calorie plan. Somebody send her the roadmap link.....I'm not that technical....Thanks....Show her how to eat more and lose.

    Nutrition is a diet.............Nutrition with exercise is a LIFESTYLE!
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I feel, the big difference between MFP and WW, is that on here you should eat all your calories. It's not like with WW where you can or can not eat your extra points. Definitely eat them for more success. Also, if you feel like your calorie goals are too low, make sure you only have them set to lose 1 pound a week. It will be much more manageable and easier to maintain and incorporate into a healthy life style.
  • arthurrichard
    arthurrichard Posts: 51 Member
    Aggie, I am a lifetime WW as well...and yes it does work but I need a little something different myself....I'm not sure how to have "friends" on MFP....I do think that would help with the motivation!!!
