Looking into buying an Elliptical Trainer or Treadmill.



  • Fitness4Paul
    Fitness4Paul Posts: 166 Member
    I would like to see the proof that you burn more calories on a treadmill over an elliptical. Everyone burns at a different rate based on weight, age and physical level. It also depends on how hard you push yourself. My wife burns more calories on the treadmill then I do but I burn more on the stationary bike then she does. It just depends on the person. I am getting an elliptical in the next few weeks for the pure fact that its not as hard on your body as a treadmill. I have seen a ton for 600+ 30 min burns on elliptical machines but have never seen a 30 min run for 600+ calories. Just me 2 cents

    I do 450-550 on a 30min but I often stay on for a whole tv show 45-60 then my burn is upwards to 800-900. I measure with a heart rate monitor and basically shoot for 150-160 bpm which is the same as when I'm at cruising speed when I cycle.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Elliptical all the way! The two actually burn about the same amount of calories over an hour, but the elliptical produces much better results IMHO. Get an elliptical with an incline and resistance so you can vary your workout. Plus a treadmill does not work your upper body like an elliptical does. Personally, the treatmill bores me silly. I feel like a hamster in a wheel. But on the elliptical, I can put in dance music, and the motion of your hips on the machine is more like dancing. Regardless, buy the one you are going to use.
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    I love having my elliptical.

    I don't have to worry about bad weather or getting hit by a crazy and/or distracted driver.
  • jazzcat55
    jazzcat55 Posts: 164 Member
    We had a Proform treadmill for several years and used it a LOT. Last year we decided to get an elliptical because it's lower impact. We made an investment in a Cybex arc trainer. OMG, that thing can kick your *kitten*! So far I haven't gotten above resistance level 6, and it goes up to 20...which I can't even imagine!
  • Smoothtacular
    Smoothtacular Posts: 38 Member
    Might sound simple but whichever one you think you'll enjoy more I'd say, you'd be more likely to stick with it. Personally I bought a treadmill when I started mainly because I was embarassed to walk outside. That seems silly to me now but I don't regret the investment since it got me moving which is the important thing
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Might sound simple but whichever one you think you'll enjoy more I'd say, you'd be more likely to stick with it. Personally I bought a treadmill when I started mainly because I was embarassed to walk outside. That seems silly to me now but I don't regret the investment since it got me moving which is the important thing

    Yup. +1 million.
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    Thank you all for your input. :D
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    I burn twice as many calories on my elliptical and its much easier on my joints.

    this. i have both an elliptical and treadmill. feel like i get so much more out of my elliptical workouts. and my knees are whack! so the elliptical is much better for me. i do enjoy the occasional walk on my treadmill, but usually increase the incline to boost the workout.

    purchased one from a neighbor who was moving and one off craigslist.

    i am hoping a bike stand is my next purchase.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor (2 different ones for different purposes) and I can burn a lot more calories on the elliptical while it's also low impact. Whatever does it for you...but I will say that while I own an elliptical I use a gym a few times a week and MOST people keep the resistance far too low to be very beneficial.