Over on sugar most of the time

I'm usually over on sugar by 15-30 most of the time. MOST of my sugar is coming from fruits, greek yogurt with fruit on bottom, and I do eat balance bars (cookie dough every other day). As long as most of my sugar is coming from whole foods should I worry about going over? I have my food logs public to view with sugar intake added. I dont track sugar on the site, but I take a look at it after finishing my logs on the phone app.


  • PosterGuy1
    PosterGuy1 Posts: 163 Member
    I would switch to Dannon Greek yogurt. (It has the fruit at the bottom.) You're has 18g of sugar, Dannon has 8. Its very good.
  • Yeah I was eating that greek yogurt but someone told me to switch to chobani cause it has more calories. Ill be switching back to dannon cause the chobani burns my throat. Guessing cause of the sugar
  • kristy_n0831
    kristy_n0831 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm the same way. I know my food needs some tweaking, but since I'm making a lifestyle change and not just dieting, I'm not putting anything off limts as long as it fits into my calorie goals.
  • acm2789
    acm2789 Posts: 29 Member
    I am the same, I am still working on it but even if I don't have any sweets my sugar is usually over. I just go over what I eat and figure out what I could have changed or excluded and remember that for tomorrow.

    Planning also helps. On some nights I have a cliff bar for dinner 'cause of my schedule and on those days I plan to not have yogurt with lunch to help keep the sugars down.
  • I'm the same way. I know my food needs some tweaking, but since I'm making a lifestyle change and not just dieting, I'm not putting anything off limts as long as it fits into my calorie goals.

    I am doing the same thing as you. I have a protein shake that I make and I used Yoplait's greek yogurt but with the greek yogurt and the protein mix, I'm already at 38g of sugar and I'm only allotted 32g I believe. It's frustrating because diabetes runs in my family. I just lost my aunt two and a half weeks ago to it :(
  • kmc979
    kmc979 Posts: 99 Member
    I find the new dannon light and fit greek yogurt the most bang for the buck and it's very tasty! I was very loyal to chobani and tried dannon on a suggestion. If i'm gonna go over its normally sugar mostly from fruits and i absolutely go over if I have a cup of coffee because i need two sugars in it and no i won't eat the fake sugars, hate how they taste in coffee. It's because of this that I don't like to enter fruit into my diary because it really isn't that many calories and makes my sugar go over, especially if I eat an apple AND an orange on the same day.
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    I'm over on sugar every day. I haven't seen a effect in my weightloss so I haven't tried to change it. Once things slow down a bit ill make that change.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Why not use your new eating regime to deal with your sugar addiction/dependency? It will pay off in the long run.
  • Why not use your new eating regime to deal with your sugar addiction/dependency? It will pay off in the long run.

    Im really nit addicted to sugar anymore. Its my yogurts that had alot. so ill be looking into getting new yogurts after i finish off the ones i have. If I crave actual sugar I just eat fruits for the sweetness of sugar.
  • I'm over on sugar every day. I haven't seen a effect in my weightloss so I haven't tried to change it. Once things slow down a bit ill make that change.

    Its not affecting my weight loss Um still losing a lb a week. So i think i will do a few changes and not worry about it till later on
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    PEOPLE! There is a HUGE, VERY HUGE difference in natural sugar and processed sugar. It's hard to tell the difference between the two but if you're eating any kind of natural sugar, like in fruits and veggies, DO NOT WORRY. Because fruit is watery and is easily broken down. The sugar from that fruit comes out in sweat and urine. I have PCOS so I have to watch my sugar as well, so I set a limit of no more than 50 over and a hard limit of 100 over. I should NEVER, EVER, reach 100 over unless I eat nothing but fruit all day. My sugar allowance is 24 and I go over on it every day, way over if I have a protein shake.
  • PEOPLE! There is a HUGE, VERY HUGE difference in natural sugar and processed sugar. It's hard to tell the difference between the two but if you're eating any kind of natural sugar, like in fruits and veggies, DO NOT WORRY. Because fruit is watery and is easily broken down. The sugar from that fruit comes out in sweat and urine. I have PCOS so I have to watch my sugar as well, so I set a limit of no more than 50 over and a hard limit of 100 over. I should NEVER, EVER, reach 100 over unless I eat nothing but fruit all day. My sugar allowance is 24 and I go over on it every day, way over if I have a protein shake.

    Thanks for the reply. Now I understand better.
  • I buy the plain greek yogurt and add a little bit of honey, fruit, or homemade jam
  • I go over my sugar allowance almost every day - and it's due to veggies and fruits. and the fruits I eat are 1/2 cup of wild blueberries - or 1/2 a banana - or 5 strawberries. and then my veggies.

    I rarely eat a "sweet treat" that isn't naturally sweet.

    I am not sure who, if anyone can keep it within the limits set by myfitnesspal.

    There are times I remove the sugar calculation off my food page - especially when I start worrying too much about my sugar intake.

    I think it might be more important to focus on your protein, fiber, carbs and fats. I am a vegetarian, so I only track my saturated fats - to make sure I don't have too many bad for me fats.

    Protein seems to be the big factor. Make sure you get at least 45g.
  • i dont track sugar i just put it up there for the ones that wanted to see how much my total was. i look at my sugar intake on the phone app though. i hit carbs fat sodium fiber and protein all the time.