vitamins to fight muscle soreness?

Having been sedentary for the last few years, begining exercising again has brought some pretty intense muscle soreness (especially with that damn jillian michaels dvd!). I have tried taking multivitamins in the past, but usually end up with an upset stomach. But if i can help manage muscle soreness with vitamins, i would definitely try to give them another shot! Can anyone reccomend (preferably a multivitamin) that can help me out?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Muscle soreness goes away with doing more to exercise the muscles. The soreness is from tiny tears in the muscle (that's actually a good thing) and will stop as your muscles get strong. Vitamins aren't going to help with that but drinking enough water for the muscles to repair and stretching will.
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    take a multiV to cover all of your nutritional needs since you want your body performing at its highest level, but i don't think it will do much as far as soreness goes

    are you stretching? warm up (move around for about 5-10 mins), then stretch and then workout. Post workout, stretch again. I often stretch between jogging intervals too. I have to focus the most on my calves.