
Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and possibly make some new friends! [: My name is Cristina and I have been active on MFP for a short while now, but just getting used to it. I'm currently in the pre stages of getting ready for bariatric surgery. I am one month in. (5 more to go!) I started my dieting however in December (2012).
A little bit about me is I am a 24 year old mother of an almost 6 year old boy! ( My sunshine, my world!)
I was always skinny and fit growing up and in high school. (Gymnast, swimmer, marching band, random sports here and there and was always skating) I started gaining weight in my pregnancy. I got toxemia around 8 months in my pregnancy and gained weight rapidly. I ended up not doing anything about it till recently. Five years of being depressed and anxiety ridden about myself is long enough!
I am looking forward to this new and healthy journey in my life. Hope to make some new friends and give/get support.


  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: hi, i will send you a friend request! i have been on here since june 2012. i log in several times a day & answer everyone of my friends comments. i give support & encouragement on a daily basis! hope to be talking soon!