potato chips. my ultimate weakness



  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I THOUGHT giving up Chips (All Types) and Soda (All Types) would be Hell...BUT to My amazement it is very easy; I just set a time and date and stopped. I was/am emotionally, Spiritually and physically READY for a Healthy Life...No more "in training", it was just TIME for Me to put it ALL Together, no more "weaning off", when you are READY you will STOP, just STOP!
    I think I agree with this. Food addictions can be eliminated if you stop eating them. & it's not deprivation if the food is not helping you in any way.

    Also your icon is amazing lmao.
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    I buy the veggie sticks chips at Costco. It's like 250 for 68 sticks...I usually eat half and that satisfies me. It is on the plain side, but I enjoy them and I take longer to eat a stick than a potato chips. I need to try those pop chips.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    If I let myself, I could eat a whole bag of chips in one sitting! How about trying kale chips? You can buy them at health food stores or make them yourself, really easy and just as tasty, only wayyy less cals! :)
  • AradiaStone
    AradiaStone Posts: 132 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the great ideas and support eveyone! I i.tend on reading this evertime i have the craving lol
  • retromomof2
    retromomof2 Posts: 44 Member
    Potato chips are my weakness also. I have replaced them with a granny smith apple and sea salt. Its usually the salt I want.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yum, my fav!
  • rougecrayon
    I gave up chips for Lent and am still going strong. My brother came over the other day and we had chips and dip, and I steered clear!! woo! I went from a bag a day top none!
  • paulbear75
    paulbear75 Posts: 44 Member
    Chips and Pretzels kill me, I can't stop once I start :( Usually we have a few friends over on Weds and Saturdays and they always bring a bottle of wine and chips.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I go for Walkers French fries, quavers, wotsits - they're less than 100 calories a bag. Otherwise air-popped corn is great - I've got some yeast flake stuff to sprinkle on.