Newbie / binge eater looking for friends and support



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Oh, and by the way - for some reason I find this very comforting - binge eating is completely normal and extends even into the insect kingdom. A research project arose out of one nutritionist's struggles to correct obesity in one of the bears in a zoo. No matter what they did, the bear continued to gain weight. They figured out that the bear was stressed because of the noisy location of its enclosure, so they moved it. The bear settled in and lost weight.

    Extensive research showed that even insects will binge on starchy foods when put into a stressful situation, like the presence of predators.
  • freertobe
    That poor bear! You're right, that story is kind of reassuring in a weird way, i.e. knowing that we're all just creatures in nature struggling to do our best given our environments. :)