Switching From One To Another

Hey everyone.

Just thought I'd come and say HELLO!. So... HI! My name is Bill. I've recently switched from LoseIt to MFP. I had a few friends recommend it to me since they heard I was getting kinda irritated with LoseIt's instability. So far so good.

Here's a little about me. In October 2011 I had a wake up call when I was playing with my then 1 year old daughter. I would get on the floor and play with her and end up hurting. I couldn't have that. I was 335lbs at the time. I woke up. I decided to start eating better and exercising more. By June of 2012 I had lost over 100lbs then hit a pretty bad plateau.

I had some health complications come up, a shoulder injury and then some teeth extractions which I just finished yesterday. Due to those I wasn't able to exercise how I wanted to. Well.. Now I'm here and re-focused.

I enjoy running (have run multiple 5ks and want to do more and up the distances 10k and beyond). I've recently started adding more weight lifting in my routine as well as some other in home exercises through my Kinect and Insanity (will be starting that again soon me thinks).

Lets see... what else. Oh.. I'm from NJ, I'm 33, a Batman freak, Gamer, Geek, etc etc etc.

Add me and lets work on this Journey together!


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome! You've found an excellent site with MFP and it sounds like you're ready to tackle things again. Wishing you much success.
  • To people who read this thread: Bill's pretty awesome. True story.

    I made the same switch just this morning. Looking forward to seeing how it goes!