Honest (and Kind) Feedback Please

I am not fishing for compliments or looking for false reassurance. I’m seeking honest feedback because I think I have a history of not seeing things as clearly as maybe I should (both too positive and not quite positive enough).

I’ve been losing weight. I can see a bit of a difference in my face although I’m sad that my skin is getting saggy around my lower chin/jowl area. I can see that the numbers on the scale are in a downward trend. I also see that my body fat percentage isn’t dropping faster than my lean muscle percentage and so I’ve started lifting and doing more resistance training than heavy cardio. I eat relatively healthy but have zero desire to give up bits of yummy things and I’m a good cook/baker. I want to have a lifestyle that includes whiskey, cake, celery sticks and dancing. I track my measurements too and those have barely budged. I’ve never really had ‘curves’. While other women complain of being an apple or a pear I’m a graham-cracker with my shoulders, chest, ‘waist’ and hip ratio all within a few inches of each other – even at my heaviest.

Again – I’m not looking for platitudes. Here’s what I am looking for: advice and feedback. It’d be great if it could be honest but kind.

12/28/12 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 02/24/13