Accepting less than perfection (No more weak excuses)

Okay...ya know what? I have a problem. My problem is that I'm an "all or nothing" kinda guy. When I'm a good boy, I'm a very good boy. I eat perfectly, exercise like a maniac, and all is well in the world. But when I hit just the tiniest little bump in the road (say, I go out for wings, I have a few beers, or I blow off a workout), the wheels come flying off. I just say "eff it" and make a complete 180...eating garbage, not working out at all, etc.

Additionally, I never wanna restart a diet/exercise plan unless I KNOW that I'm gonna be able to do it all week long. If I have plans to go out to dinner with friends on a Wednesday, I'll just think to myself, "I'll just blow off this whole week and start next week." That's stupid. Yepper. It's VERY stupid.

So, I need to just accept that (surprise, surprise) I'm not perfect. I can't keep a perfect schedule with my workouts. I can't maintain a perfect diet. I need to stop making excuses for why I can't start this week and...ya know...START THIS WEEK! Even though I have plans to go away this weekend (and yes, probably not eat all that healthy), that's no excuse to blow off Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Time to start being more realistic.

Seeya tomorrow, kids.


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Good for you!

    I always have to remind myself to start RIGHT NOW! Not tomorrow, not Monday morning, not the first of the month, not after _____ event, not after the holidays - RIGHT NOW! I will slip up, and some days I'll just decide I want those wings for dinner and that's ok, but then I need to get back to my routine right away.
    I never wanna restart a diet/exercise plan unless I KNOW that I'm gonna be able to do it all week long.

    I never want to be ON a diet/exercise plan. I'm changing the way I eat and the way I exercise and making it part of my life, so it has to be sustainable.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I never wanna restart a diet/exercise plan unless I KNOW that I'm gonna be able to do it all week long.

    I never want to be ON a diet/exercise plan. I'm changing the way I eat and the way I exercise and making it part of my life, so it has to be sustainable.

    Well, that's what I meant. I'm not doing any specific "plan." It's definitely a lifestyle change, and that's exactly how I view it. I just always get away from that change and put off getting back into it for ridiculous reasons. :)
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I saw from your profile you're from Pittsburgh - GO STEELERS!
    I grew up in the PIttsburgh area - about 20 miles northeast, along the Allegheny River.
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Maybe instead of trying a total lifestyle revamp all at once, you could start with small changes that would be easier to incorporate? Carrying a water bottle so that you're reminded to drink more water. A single beer and then switch to water or ice tea? Order the wings, but get a salad too and eat that first? Park at the far end of the lot instead of close to the store.

    It really sounds like you need to take a stab at slowly changing your habits, rather than living as basically two different guys with radically different lifestyles.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I am *exactly* the same way. I'd been telling myself for months I would start WHEN _____. (Fill in the blank - when warm weather returned. After the candy was out of the house. When my daughter started preschool.) Finally I looked myself in the eye and said "I'm starting NOW. If I can't find a way to fit living mostly healthy now, I never will." And so I did! Am I perfect? Not by a long shot. Today, for example, I had a donut for breakfast, Wendy's for lunch, and leftover Chinese food for dinner. But I'm reminding myself that it's only one day, and tomorrow I'm back on track. Sometimes, we just need comfort food, right? And it's not like I'll never have fast food again ever. Feel free to add me if you need support from someone with the same mindset issues, and we can keep each other motivated. :)