NO energy

I have cut out caffeine and have been caffeine free since January 2013. I was a 2-3 coffee drinker and decided to eliminate it all together. Since January, I have been working out 3-5 times a week and sleep 7-8 hours a night, but I still have NO ENERGY.

I have been on a 40/40/20 macro ratio and limiting my sugar intake to 30g a day. My husband says it's because I changed my eating (I'm eating a lot cleaner and no caffeine.)

My TDEE is 1900, I'm 5'4", and weigh 128-130lbs and I'm trying to loose body fat not weight and am lifting and running. I eat 10-20% below my TDEE but not any less.

What can I do to increase my energy without having to resort to caffeine while still trying to loose body fat and not sacrifice my workout sessions?


  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    energy is almost always related to how much you're eating. if you're tired, you need to eat more. I know that sounds overly simplistic, but in almost every case, it really IS that simple.

    the only other thing to consider is whether or not you're digesting your food and assimilating it properly. do you get enough probiotics?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Have you had any testing done to see if you are low in any vitamins or minerals? If you are eating enough, getting proper sleep and consuming healthy foods you should have the energy you need which makes me think you have some sort of low mineral, vitamin or possibly something like low iron
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    Often when I am tired, I am not drinking enough water. If I haven't had a full 8 glasses by mid afternoon, I am wiped out.
    Could it be water related?

    Others mentioned having a doctor check you out if you can't see any reason for being tired. Last time I felt super tired for no reason, turned out I was pregnant :)
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm always tired, too. I limited my coffee and do have fruit and raw honey. I also use sweetener so that might be contributing. I need to rebuild lost muscle and burn fat... = / I did way too much cardio in the past and over did it with HIIT while not eating i lost weight, not fat...I gained fat......Lost muscles, bone and water weight...but not any fat. I'm very skinny fat. I could also sleep more i think...

    Maybe you're low in iron or some sort of vitamin. Get your Thyroid checked out and try to eat some fruit.
  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    Don't know what you eat now, but I find B vitamins very helpful for energy.
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    I have had luck increasing my daily energy by loading up on potassium in the morning. I try to get about 1000-1300 mg in my breakfast. Milk, bananas, and raisins are good. Adding in some snacks with protein in between meals might help too.
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    Have you had your iron tested? How about your thyroid? Both of those things could be the cause of exhaustion if you're low on them, and they're both very common defeciencies in women.
  • housemamma
    housemamma Posts: 30 Member
    I sometimes suffer from lack of energy also and all tests for thyroid and iron come back ok. So, I started listening to my body. Appears that water intake plays a huge factor since the more water I drink, the more energy I have.

    Also, I just need more rest days than others. I just can not do an activity every day. I've learned that if I push myself to even walk, I'll pay for it later if I am already exhausted. If you have recently upped your weights or increased your running distance, you may just need more recovery time.

    Also, pollen count is really high where I live and that may need to be taken into consideration.