Question about having a lot of calories left for the day

I am closing in on dinner and I have 1200 calories left over to consume for the day. I ate really healthy meals for breakfast and lunch and I haven't had much time to snack.

I know I should find "healthy" foods to consume with those calories, but the large amount left over has me craving wings (the one thing I haven't had since I started)

Any thoughts? I can keep well within my caloric goal, but it feels like cheating eating that food.


  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    If it fits, go for it. In our house no foods are off-limits as long as they fit in our goals for the day.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    If it fits, go for it. In our house no foods are off-limits as long as they fit in our goals for the day.

    This is my approach as well.
  • bearsmom82
    bearsmom82 Posts: 72 Member
    I second the motion. All in favour?
  • rmkeech1
    rmkeech1 Posts: 12 Member
    I concur!
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    I second the motion. All in favour?

    Aye, just make sure it's at least close on the macros too.........
  • Schmidty102
    Schmidty102 Posts: 168 Member
    I try to eat healthy, but if it fits inside my calorie goal, I will eat it. Keeps you from binge eating too.
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I don't consider wings particularly fattening... if it was a huge bowl of pasta with cream I wouldn't eat it, but wings with celery sticks and dip.. why not?
    But I wouldn't think it is advisable to consume the whole 1200 kcal in one stitting though.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    If it fits, go for it. In our house no foods are off-limits as long as they fit in our goals for the day.

    This is my approach as well.

  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    As long as it fits into your calorie goal and you have been accurate with your portion sizes when logging, then I say eat the 1200 calories in whatever way you choose!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    If you have the craving for something that fits into your allotted calories, go for it! It's when you keep denying the cravings that you can run into trouble. Just relax and enjoy (every now and then)! :smile:
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    agreed. this happens to me as well. It will be Sunday night and I have a lot of calories left. Sometimes I just eat like a pig with healthy foods or I take advantage of the surplus of calories and eat something bad. Never gained a pound from this approach.
  • If it fits your macros...
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I second the motion. All in favour?

    Aye, just make sure it's at least close on the macros too.........

    This also...
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I am closing in on dinner and I have 1200 calories left over to consume for the day. I ate really healthy meals for breakfast and lunch and I haven't had much time to snack.

    I know I should find "healthy" foods to consume with those calories, but the large amount left over has me craving wings (the one thing I haven't had since I started)

    Any thoughts? I can keep well within my caloric goal, but it feels like cheating eating that food.
    I guess my first thought is that if you had a healthy breakfast and lunch why do you still have 1200 calories left for the day? Maybe your calorie count is too high. But I agree if its wings you want and its in your calorie range go for it.:wink:
  • JWat2020
    JWat2020 Posts: 80 Member
    I am closing in on dinner and I have 1200 calories left over to consume for the day. I ate really healthy meals for breakfast and lunch and I haven't had much time to snack.

    I know I should find "healthy" foods to consume with those calories, but the large amount left over has me craving wings (the one thing I haven't had since I started)

    Any thoughts? I can keep well within my caloric goal, but it feels like cheating eating that food.
    I guess my first thought is that if you had a healthy breakfast and lunch why do you still have 1200 calories left for the day? Maybe your calorie count is too high. But I agree if its wings you want and its in your calorie range go for it.:wink:

    I am a fat guy (298 lbs) so I get 1920 calories a day. Breakfast this morning was 160 calorie oatmeal recipe from the recipe section. It is a ton of food and a 100 calorie banana. By the time lunch rolled around I tried the Broccoli crust pizza. Also from the recipe section. Again a ton of food for 450 calories. So 1920-710 = 1210. I am sure my measurements are accurate because I weigh everything and portion it out when I make it. I have 1200 calories left and I haven't felt hungry all day :)

    I can fit wings withing my calories (and still have a little leftover) and only go over my fat by 5 for the day. I think I will go for it since I was under my fat by 14 yesterday :).
  • JWat2020
    JWat2020 Posts: 80 Member
    I appreciate all the advice and opinions. Makes me feel better about splurging.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    You have to allow yourself the occasional treat (within reason, of course) or you will feel deprived & end up falling off the wagon big time (this is experience talking). It's even better when you have a day like today where you have the room built in to be able to have it & still stay within your goals - very well done. Have your treat & enjoy it, you've worked hard & earned it........
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Eat 'em!!! Enjoy!!!
  • As long as it fits into your calories go for it. Anything you want
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I've had chocolate bars and poutine for the last 3 days! And it's fit in my calories (well I was something like 15 cals over one day haha). I don't eat like this all the time, but I was at an event all weekend and wanted some 'bad' food!