I found some..rules for weightloss..

So I opened my yahoo to go to another website. Before I did, I looked through the news and found this.


One of the said rules says this..

New rule: Eat as many meals as you want, says Eric Doucet, study author and associate professor in the School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa. But tally your calories. (Ask a doctor, but a woman should generally consume about 1,200 a day in order to slim down.) It's "energy in versus energy out," Doucet says.

I get the engery in verus engery out. What gets me is the low calory. There is no way I can do the whole 1,200 thing. I am wondering of this is true for everyone..

Or as always be careful on what you read?


  • litterbitt
    litterbitt Posts: 15 Member
    That's all I allow myself when I am INACTIVE. However, I try to be active in some way every day...then it's a whole different story. But I'd never go below that.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    Several years ago I tried the 1200 a day and I lost weight. I was also cranky and generally unhappy and starving all the time. It lasted 3 months and I gave up and gained every pound I lost and then some. This time I eat 1400-1700 a day and this works for me!! I am not starving, cranky or tired and have lost over 30 lbs
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    She may have built the known fact into the number that people misjudge their calories by 3-400 a day anyways (not to mention the manufacturer's cheating labels).
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    1,200 is just barely adequate IF you avoid junk food. You will not be able to sustain it or you will get sick eating a 1,200 calorie diet that is peppered with junk food. If you add exercise, there is no way that a 1,200 calorie diet can be adequate, because your body will be using nutrients at a higher rate. Even trained elite athletes (who may eat 10,000 calories or more in a day), know that they must eat to perform and that food must be nourishing to get the "most bang for the buck".
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Do not waste your time eating that low!! Look up the group on this site called eat more 2 weigh less... I used to eat 1,200 and lost a lot of weight... but i also lost my energy and became waaaay to obsessed with food! Since then ive started weight lifting and eating more and i love ittttt! And i've actually just upped my calories even more today!
  • So I opened my yahoo to go to another website. Before I did, I looked through the news and found this.


    One of the said rules says this..

    New rule: Eat as many meals as you want, says Eric Doucet, study author and associate professor in the School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa. But tally your calories. (Ask a doctor, but a woman should generally consume about 1,200 a day in order to slim down.) It's "energy in versus energy out," Doucet says.

    I get the engery in verus engery out. What gets me is the low calory. There is no way I can do the whole 1,200 thing. I am wondering of this is true for everyone..

    Or as always be careful on what you read?

    I amdoing the 1200 calories since January, and I am never hungry or have any cravings. It is all about what you do with these 1200. Today it is 6pm and I have 300 left and I am not even planning on eating anything anymore.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Several years ago I tried the 1200 a day and I lost weight. I was also cranky and generally unhappy and starving all the time. It lasted 3 months and I gave up and gained every pound I lost and then some. This time I eat 1400-1700 a day and this works for me!! I am not starving, cranky or tired and have lost over 30 lbs

    Yes---we always want instant results and we whip our poor bodies with the terrible crash diets that we go on (and I have been on every crash diet imaginable). They never work for the long haul. The only thing that works is sound nutrition and exercise and keeping the weight loss to a slow steady rate.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do not waste your time eating that low!! Look up the group on this site called eat more 2 weigh less... I used to eat 1,200 and lost a lot of weight... but i also lost my energy and became waaaay to obsessed with food! Since then ive started weight lifting and eating more and i love ittttt! And i've actually just upped my calories even more today!

  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I'm just asking because the artical brought it up. I could never do 1200 cals in a day.

    Matter of fact I am eating higher than that and losing. Not sure where the writer got that rule from.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    It depends on your basic level of activity that you set up when opening your MFP account. I put down as sedentary because I can spend 6 hours or more driving to appointments, and then get home and have to dig out the laptop. MFP put me on a 1200 calorie diet, and I am sticking to it and losing weight. If you are more active, then you will need more calories. 6 smaller meals a day stops the body going into starvation mode by keeping a steady stream of food going in, but you still have to stick to the oval calorie count because it is a simple equation of balancing the amount of fuel going in versus fuel being used.

    BTW, 1200 is the lowest MFP will put you on, particularly if you said you wanted to lose 2lbs per week like me. If you are struggling, drop this to 1lb per week and you will get a higher target. If you are exercising,make sure you eat your calories earned, otherwise you will find again hat your body goes into starvation mode. This is where the body stores as much energy (as fat) as possible, hence you don't lose weight.

    Have a look at my diary if you want some food ideas......
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I'm too active and generally fidgety for that. The caloric intake you need depends on a lot of things. 1200 is what you need for your body to perform basic functions, like breathing and living and all that other annoying junk.

    That's why MFP asks what your daily activity level is like when it first sets you up.

    I'm in retail and work 5 days a week for about 7-8 hours a day. It's a sales/customer service combo so I am constantly moving around the store making sure everything looks good and the customers are happy. Plus, demoing products and stuff. When the Wii came out, I spent a lot of time playing that with customers so they'd be interested.

    Because of all the movement at work alone, I couldn't survive off such a little calorie intake.

    Even on my least active days, I force myself to get in 10,000 steps according to Fitbit before I sit down to play a game or watch TV. Yesterday, I made my boyfriend mall walk with me just to do it (because it's miserable outside).

    I'm rambling....

    In vs. Out is perfect logic.

    You just need to know your required output so you can adjust your input accordingly.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    She may have built the known fact into the number that people misjudge their calories by 3-400 a day anyways (not to mention the manufacturer's cheating labels).

    More likely she just passed along a nugget of conventional wisdom that has been in the popular press for decades. That number's been around at least since my mom was put on a 1200 calorie diet in the early 60s, which was before manufacturers were required to provide nutrition information in the US. It was also decades before anything like MFP or any of the other tools available on the Internet existed. Before the Internet itself. Before smart phones. Even before hand held calculators. She did have a dietary scale and assorted diet books, but that was pretty much the extent of her tool kit. Maybe people needed a big fudge factor in those days because of the "black box" nature of the process, but it didn't work any better then than it does now. In all the decades I knew her she was never able to stick with a diet long enough to reach a healthy weight. Do we still need to be careful to avoid misjudging the calories we consume and burn? Yeah, but it is SO much easier than it used to be to hit a higher and more sustainable calorie budget without going over. Do yourself a favor and take full advantage of that.
  • It depends on your basic level of activity that you set up when opening your MFP account. I put down as sedentary because I can spend 6 hours or more driving to appointments, and then get home and have to dig out the laptop. MFP put me on a 1200 calorie diet, and I am sticking to it and losing weight. If you are more active, then you will need more calories. 6 smaller meals a day stops the body going into starvation mode by keeping a steady stream of food going in, but you still have to stick to the oval calorie count because it is a simple equation of balancing the amount of fuel going in versus fuel being used.

    BTW, 1200 is the lowest MFP will put you on, particularly if you said you wanted to lose 2lbs per week like me. If you are struggling, drop this to 1lb per week and you will get a higher target. If you are exercising,make sure you eat your calories earned, otherwise you will find again hat your body goes into starvation mode. This is where the body stores as much energy (as fat) as possible, hence you don't lose weight.

    Have a look at my diary if you want some food ideas......

    No matter if I put in 1 or 2 pounds per week to lose, it always shows me 1200 cal. But maybe the reason is that I don't really have/want to lose that much. My weight loss goal is only 10 pounds and I am 4 pounds away from that. As for today (and some other days before) I have over 200 calories left, and no way I can eat any more today. I eat 5 meals a day. My main meal has lots of veggies and usually meat, fish or eggs. I start the day with a high protein shake with fresh fruit, protein powder and almond milk, that is a pretty good filler.
    I remember years ago that growling noise in my stomach when I was hungry, I haven't heard that once since January. It is all about food choice. Of course I can eat one big burger and use all my calories at once, but how stupid would that be.