
Hello! My name is Maryssa! I'm 18 years old. I've had a myfitnesspal account for over a year, but never used it up until about a month or so ago. I decided to use it because I hit that part of weight loss when the weight just doesn't want to come off! I've been discouraged for about a week now.. and just feel like giving up. I know that's not what I should do, it's just hard. If you have any helpful tips, I am open for anything!

Thanks :)


  • Jewel31657
    Hi, I'm Karen,

    I just started the Atkins Diet, and I find myfitnesspal to be very helpful. I count my carbs everyday, but I can also make sure I'm getting enough fiber, protein, etc. It gives the incentive to stay healthy, because what I eat is documented. I want to lose 10 lbs, and I plan to journal my eating habits to make sure I stay on track.

    Good Luck to everyone, trying to stay on a healthy diet!!!

  • Chabriskk
    Hi Maryssa,
    I've heard that if you have a usual routine to your weightloss, by shifting that routine (intro new exercise, change what you eat, etc) then this helps with plateauing.

    But, just as Karen was saying. By charting your intake and energy output, you might be able to see where you can make a change :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • Maryssa_
    Maryssa_ Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you both!! :)
  • boomerz12
    Change your workout up a bit. If you do the same thing over and over your muscles actually get used to it cause it knows you're gonna be doing 3 reps of this 2 reps of that and they don't work as hard.