
First time signing up for a site of this sort.. I've recently quit smoking (98 days to be exact) and during that time, I really packed on the pounds! Roughly 14 or so and they have been a bear to get off! Especially with the holiday weight gain and daylight not being long enough. I feel I am pretty active now that I am no longer smoking, and I take my dog for a 4-5 mile run or hike just about every day and I try to watch what I'm eating yet seeing little to no results and I'm becoming discouraged!

Thank you for reading.. I hope I will be able to find some support here :-)


  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    We all want instant miracles. Just log everything, vary it up, and keep walking. You should see some differences in the days. After a while figure out what days you do your best, analyze them, and you will learn what works best. We are all different. What works for some will be different for others.
    Right now, your body is on a major cleanse. Just quitting smoking will add years to your life. For a while, just not gaining any more will be a plus. Good luck.
  • Thanks.. I'm trying to stay off the scale, as I can get a bit obsessive if the number isn't what I want I to be and focusing more on how my clothes are fitting. I'm sure nearing my 30s as well will be an adjustment to losing weight and how my body reacts to different exercises and foods. Trying to stay patient!
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    I weigh in every morning and track it. Studying the yoyo effects helps me to know which foods are my best choices. I am a master at lying to myself, so the tools at this site really helps me. Truly, if you can ditch the smokes, you can do anything!