I need help, always hungry!

I have been eating differently since november, I have lost 40 lbs but the whole thing has been a major struggle. I count calories, so I eat correct portions sizes, healthier foods in general and I try to exercise 3-4 days a week. The only thing that keeps me motivated is the fact that at my work I'm involved in this biggest loser thing. It's a big competition. If I gain weight, I have to pay money. I have to weigh in every Friday. It's been a very stressful process for me. Well before I started to change my lifestyle, I was your typical chunky gal who loved to eat everything bad for her. I ate even when I wasnt hungry because I was either bored or just liked the way something tasted. Well that obsession has NEVER left me. Everyday I struggle with thoughts of food and eating by the hour. I have tried eating foods that are supposed to fill you up, well it seems like after I eat a meal, within an hour, I'm wanting to eat again. This goes on everyday. I don't know if it's my body saying it wants to eat because I know i'm not suppose to or what. Sometimes I end up bingeing. Anyone else struggle with this? or have any tips?


  • cindydufield
    cindydufield Posts: 50 Member
    i did and still do have days like that like my body is burning everything i was giving it,,, i just went ahead and had a big bowl of pasta with chicken and broccoli it was like feeding a starving pet and then it settled down maybe you should pick a meal a week wth llots of carbs maybe it will curb the hunger
  • jarkasangel
    protein protein protein is the key, always make sure you have protein with every meal including snacks eg small tin of tuna in springwater or 30gms cheese, but more protein with your larger meals, maybe invest in some protein powder and make yourself some really yummy shakes with fresh fruit, unless your an athlete try not to fill up on to much carb because if you don't burn it off it will stay with you, good luck
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I struggle with that all day, I think alot of us do....its only natural

    It is hard to curb, but over time it gets better...once a week you can try and give yourself a treat, so that way you have a high point to look forward to on that particular day, over time it will get somewhat easier,....but it will always be a struggle, you will have days when you have a big crave, and days when you are fine

    When you feel a craving and its not on your treat day...eat a fruit drink some whatever, try doing soemthing healthy and stretch the time out further and further until you next actual scheduled meal

    Because you know within yourself you are not hungry within an hour of eating, unless you are eating too small of a portion

    That could be the issue coming to think of it...you are probably eating too little and your body probably needs more food

    You can do it....stick it out and give yourself a treat day, to make it easier for you, until you are able to curb those cravings.
  • littlecompton
    I feel your pain. Been there. Still am there.

    One thing I've realized is that I have to know why I am eating. For me, it's out of boredom or loneliness. Remember, being alone does not equal loneliness just like being with others will not necessarily take away loneliness. Does that make sense? I remember telling my sister once that I felt lonely inside and she said she couldn't believe that because I have a great husband and wonderful son, etc. So, I recently came to understand that I was eating to fill a void that food will never fill. So I keep eating.
    The tough part is that even though I finally understand and can admit this, it still doesn't take away the cravings! I guess my advice to you would be to 1) try to understand what really makes you want to eat and 2) drink a heck of a lot of water!

    I wish you success because I understand how hard this struggle is. Many people just can't understand why we need to keep stuffing our faces when we really aren't hungry, even though we feel like such crap afterwards. We have to try not to judge ourselves so harshly. Remember that there is a good person inside that body!

    So tonight while my family was eating ice cream sandwiches for desert I drank a glass of water. That wasn't the hard part. The tough part will be when I am alone and the fridge is calling my name. I will remember you the next time that happens and know that there is someone else in this world who may be feeling the same way I am and I will try my best to turn away from the fridge.
    Let's stick together and conquer this thing.

  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Do you think the 420 may have something to do with the hunger ;) JK! But seriously, I have noticed that when I eat whole grains it feels me up for longer.. For example, for b-fast I will eat a 1/3 cup 5 grain hot cereal and mix a tablespoon of fresh ground peanut butter, and sugar free blackberry jam.. This will fill me up for days! (well, not days..) but I can go at least 3 hrs without even thinking about food. On the other hand when I eat an egg sandwich for b-fast (low-cal of course) I will be hungry an hour later. I hate it, so I have been sticking with the hot cereal. I could never diss the 420.. I've lost 49 lbs so far and smoke, so I would never blame that.

    love and light. xo
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    That's been my problem, too. I was always truly hungry, not just craving junk for boredom, comfort, etc., but painfully hungry so that I couldn't concentrate or sleep. I started taking IRISH PEAT MOSS occasionally before bedtime. It comes in a powder and I mix about 1 Tablespoon into unsweetened soymilk. I only have to do this about twice a week. That has worked for me. Also, the more I exercise, the less hungry I feel. I've never heard anyone say that before, but it works for me.
  • NaturalMom
    Am totally there with you! Especially when I am depressed (like today). I have been losing for almost a year now but I am having a hard time motivating myself the past 2 months. Keeping busy helps as does drinking a whole lot of water. Good luck!
  • GumbyAnne
    GumbyAnne Posts: 130 Member
    I also get less hungry when I exercise, especially with good hard cardio like a 3 or 4 mile run. I think it maybe has to do with the endorphins giving me the feel-good that I might otherwise be unconsciously looking for in food.
  • marinewifey03
    marinewifey03 Posts: 8 Member
    I constantly struggle with this and I hate it! I will eat, and while everyone else eating the same as me is full, im still hungry. Even if I get full, im hungry again within the hour. This makes it soooo hard for me to eat right. Especially one the days where im good all day, i get through snacks, breakfast, lunch then dinner....all healthy with the right portions. Then I decide to treat myself and end up binging and feeling like crap.

    The only thing that seems to help is drinking a ton of water before my meal, or eating a low cal/high protein soup before my meal...then I dont eat as much at the meal and feel full. But i still battle with being hungry again pretty soon after, so your not alone...its a constant battle for me too. I have good days and bad days. For me I notice if i have a bad day, im more motivated to have good days thereafter. Let me know if you find something that works! :flowerforyou:
  • nanmosta1
    nanmosta1 Posts: 55
    It's a common problem,wanting to eat all day. I love food, every kind, so I am there with you. I am munching on Fiber One cereal , dry, one flake at a time, drinking a ton of water with them and I find myself not wanting to eat as much. They blow up in your stomach and you fill full.
  • jstocks
    jstocks Posts: 1 Member
    I have always struggled with being hungry, even after a meal. The only time I felt full was when I was pregnant. These days, I do very well all day, then between supper and bedtime, I have to eat and snack. I feel like I crave something; and need to eat something, but it is so discouraging because I need to lose at least 50 pounds and more. Even today, I drank 16 cups of water, and I was hungry at 9 pm. Help!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Eggs, milk, peanut butter, grilled chicken. Eating these high protein foods really keeps my hunger in check. When I first started and had the hunger pangs every 2-3 hours, I sometimes could drink a bottle of water and it would completely go away. I think my body was mistaking thirst for hunger. If I eat high protein foods with my meals, I don't get hungry as often. I also find that working out or drinking a diet soda curbs my appetite.
    Another way I keep from binge eating is that I schedule a cheat meal every week. For my cheat meal I can eat as much as I want of anything at all that I want. I would schedule this meal soon after your weekly weigh in. It takes a couple of days to recover from it but it really helps with the motivation part and keeps me from indulging every time I want to.