The more I loose.....

cindydufield Posts: 50 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok the hardest part of losing weight is in my head. I start to loose and feel great.. clothes are loose family and friends notice ...then I go by the mirror and say WTF, i got so far to go... I know i have to keep telling myself it will come the day when i will be happy with the person with the mirror but right now it pisses me off..


  • Newfunlander
    Newfunlander Posts: 65 Member
    I completely understand how you feel. I have lost 40 pounds in the last year and have another 45 to go. Everyone keeps telling me how great I look but when I look in the mirror I still see that fat girl staring at me !!!!! Soooooo frustrating ! We can do it ! We have done it before and can do it again !!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Just keeping going.. And you're going to have to get over that because the more you lose the harder it gets to lose. I'm working on that last 20 lbs and I feel great and I haven't looked this good in 7 years, but I keep telling myself to keep going.. Keep going..
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Be patient in your efforts. Most people long for a quick fix to their eating problems. They don't want to have to work at it or wait for the much-delayed reward.

    But, patience is what it takes--countless hours of trying various tools and finding out which ones work best. Then, you have to put in more hours practicing new behaviors. Shaping a new life that really works requires painstaking effort.

    Action for the day: Pay attention to your attitude about yourself and your efforts. Are you impatient or rebellious? Practice patience today. Trust the process. A POSITIVE attiitude is critical to you success.

    Keep up the good work!!:smile:
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Four years ago I lost 30 pounds and got down to 135, but I still felt flabby whenever I looked in the mirror. Now I'm at 185 and I wish everyday I could look like that again even though I wasn't perfect. At some point you have to be happy in your own skin. It's hard because I will always feel like a fat girl in a skinny girl's body when I get down to my goal weight, but you just need to come to terms with it. You're doing great, and as long as you feel great you will exude confidence, which is why everyone is saying you look so good. Keep going, the power is in your hands. :)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I feel the same way sometimes....I am toning and loosing, but still not pleased but I keep pushing, because I know one day I will look in the mirror and smile

    Keep going stong
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    There are days I feel the same way. I've lost 20lbs in a short amount of time and it's not even noticeable! Some days I think it'll be never ending and it'll take me forever to lose this weight. But then I took me 37 years to get here....I wont lose it in a day or a week or a month.

    On days like that I try to focus on how good I feel with those 20lbs gone. I have better endurance, I can exercise. I can walk some distances without my cane now. My fibro is in check. My digestion is SO much better.

    Focus on the positive, it'll get you through :)
  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    I surely do feel the same way. Was excited to see my loss but the clothes at the store don't go with what I imagined. I guess I thought when I lost 30 lbs. I would be more than 1 size down. Was looking forward to buying 18 pants but that didn't work. Dresses were 18s but everything is no or short sleeves. What about these flabby arms!!! Was disappointed but you know that is in the past now. Tomorrow will be a new day and you and I will get up and exercise and eat better than ever to reach our destination.

    I just needed to vent and I am sorry it is on your thread.:cry::grumble: :explode:
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    It's tough I am so with you. Everyday I am telling my husband that I look fat in something or other and the he reminds me that I have lost 65lbs and even though I have more to go I look good and need to start feeling good.

    Do you know what helped me a bit? Comparing pictures of me before and after because once I was out of those big sizes I got rid of the clothes to avoid temptation to think "Oh well just in case I get big again!" Well just seeing the difference made me realize how far I have come and mentally I started telling myself I look good and in the future I will look better.

    Take it day by day and I hope it gets better for you.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Four years ago I lost 30 pounds and got down to 135, but I still felt flabby whenever I looked in the mirror. Now I'm at 185 and I wish everyday I could look like that again even though I wasn't perfect. At some point you have to be happy in your own skin. It's hard because I will always feel like a fat girl in a skinny girl's body when I get down to my goal weight, but you just need to come to terms with it. You're doing great, and as long as you feel great you will exude confidence, which is why everyone is saying you look so good. Keep going, the power is in your hands. :)
    It just goes to show that we have to learn to be happy with ourselves the way we are. If not, you could get down to a size 4 and still feel fat and unhappy. Try losing a lb of negativity toward yourself with each pound you drop. Start finding good things about yourself that you like now, and build on that. Soon, you'll look in the mirror and you'll be as impressed as your family and friends are with yourself. :)
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Yes, yes, yes......I soooo husband says I will never be happy with my weight......poor self image....yet when I see others losing I am so proud of them and think they are looking great.
    So what do we do? Pick ourselves up and be strong because we are in a better place today then when we had all the weight that we have lost.
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    It's weird for me.. i'm a little backwards. I look in the mirror and think I look "OK"... not that bad -- then, then I see myself
    in a photo and can't believe I am soooooo out of shape. I try to find something positive every day to tell myself. Some
    things that make me feel better are:
    1. I have a great family
    2. I have a great support group
    3. I have a daughter and hubby who love me just the way I am
    4. I AM changing
    5. I still look better than most people my age (kidding... just making sure your paying attention)
    6. I love my life

    So, try to find positive things ever day... your here and your still working hard. AND thats a really GREAT thing :) Keep it
    up. You'll be there one day.:wink:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    So what do we do? Pick ourselves up and be strong because we are in a better place today then when we had all the weight that we have lost.
    That's right. Be Srong, be Confident. Where would we be if we didn't start losing that weight.
    We all know!!
    Standing in a mirror, or sitting on the couch complaining about the same things.:laugh:

    I've looked in the mirror many times, flexing etc. I used to say to myself "geesh I'm still fat, I can't do this".
    That changed. I stopped being critical of myself.
    When I look in the mirror, I keep saying.

    "Your on your way, slowly, but your going in the right direction"
    "1lb loss, is still 1lb less than you were previously"
    "it takes time, I didn't get overweight over night"
    "this isn't a race to get it done in few months, it's a journey to being healthy"

    I also started noticing improvements.
    Hey my bicep muscle shows more, or my fat on my stomach is decreasing, that double roll of fat is disappearing.

    So back to the beginning of my message.
    Be strong, be confident. You are losing weight and on your journey to becoming healthy.

    Everybody should pat themselves on the back for the job that they've done losing weight. Whether it be 1-2 lbs or 30 lbs.

    If we didn't find this site, most of us would still be in front of the mirror or on the couch complaining.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Looking at before and after pics helps me too. It's so gradual that you don't really see the change. I now enjoy seeing pictures of myself. A few years ago, I would cringe and couldn't even look at it. Now I think wow I really do look better.
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