Kettle Bells!

I've been doing kettle bell classes for a while now and even bought some to use at home. Does anyone else use kettle bells? If so, how do you log this?


  • willowjen
    willowjen Posts: 1 Member
    HI, I read an article that said on average you burn 6.6 calories/minute doing kettle bells. I created my own category and just use the 6.6/minute and enter in my own calories burned.
  • i usually wear a HRM and than I calculate the calories I burnt!
  • I did them for the first time today and was wondering that same question. Good Luck with them. I hope this helps me get over the hump that I'm on...
  • sr_maggie
    sr_maggie Posts: 19 Member
    I use a HRM to estimate my calories. I have noticed that my HRM overestimates when I do other activities, so I "scale" it for entry when logging Kettlebells. When compared to the 6.6cal/min calculation technique, my adjusted calories are pretty close to that (about 10 under).
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    They are a great, compact way to work out. Kettlebell swings are one of my favorite thing. I'm doing more running now but when i start adding in lifting I'm going to hire a trainer and have him/her show me a full body kettlebell routine.