Non-perishable veggie ideas to take for lunch?

I'm in college and I live off-campus; having to go to the dining hall is just a big hassle for me so I usually go to the grocery store and find things to bring to lunch on camps. I obviously can't keep it in a refrigerator, so I have to bring non-perishable things- lately I've been bringing mixed bags of nuts with raw spinach, celery and carrots, sometimes mushrooms... sometimes I substitute the nuts for peanut butter or a can of tuna that I bring black pepper to sprinkle on.

Does anybody else have any ideas as to what I can bring, exactly? I'm looking for suggestions of things that I can do with vegetables and non-perishable protein with preferably no sugar. Things that seen specific and interesting are especially appreciated! :)

(salad recipe ideas would be nice, as well; but I'd like them to be mostly vegetables, as I prefer to eat my fruit in the mornings)


  • KatjaO
    KatjaO Posts: 71
    How about:

    Pasta salad
    -whole wheat past or any other healthier grain
    -any veggies you like (tomato, bell pepper and zucchini work well)
    -frozen peas (helps keep your salad fresh longer), could be another frozen veggie too, but one you like to eat cold
    -basil or other fresh or dried herbs that go well with the veggies you picked
    -little olive oil (and salt?), and pepper or your favorite non mayo based dressing


    Black bean salad
    -drained black beans
    -grape or large tomatoes, chopped
    -frozen corn (again to help keep it cool)
    -cumin (and salt?), pepper + a bit oli olive oil
    -fresh or dried cilantro
    -lime juice


    Beans and veggies
    -any veggies you like cut to same size and your beans, do 2-5 different kind
    -lima or edamame beans (frozen would keep it cold again!)
    -olive oil (+salt?), pepper or your favorite no-mayo based dressing

    Sorry for no amounts, I always everything off the cuff....

    Edit: forgot lime juice....
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I make a salad with tomato, onion, green pepper, avocado, corn, and black beans. A little bit of olive oil and a squeeze of lime juice with some salt and pepper. It's better after it sits so the flavors can meld together.

    ETA: My suggestion is similar to the other poster's. :smile: