Have your food be in front of you

The title doesn't refer to what I'm writing about. Obviously, when you are eating a meal your food is in front of you. What am I talking about is dividing your food in portions to VISUALLY see how much you are consuming in one meal rather than throwing in everything. It's kind of like when you pack your lunch you see how much you've packed and how much you are going to eat. Well, the concept is the same here but it's a way to control portion sizes. Some people use smaller plates and some use larger plates. I on the other hand have a higher metabolism so I need to use larger plates and eat enough so that I don't deprive myself or have cravings. Anyway, to some of you this may be useless information but to others it can be helpful. I'm just putting it out there as I'm learning from myself.

Have a great day!


  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    You have a great day too Jasminka and thank you for sharing!