Soon to be hottie Granny at 44, LOL

After being a skinny minny up thru my 20s (weighed 112 at 5 feet 8 inches) AFTER having 3 boys, I ballooned up in my 30s. Working at home as a MLS, it is so easy to snack and be sedentary. I have tried to lose weight for many years, but I always put it off. Every year I would tell myself, well this time next Christmas I will be smaller, this time, next beach vacation I will be able to wear that bikini I bought. I have bought clothes for the past 10+ years in smaller sizes as I would tell myself I was going to lose weight and be able to wear that soon. As of right now, I have 2 pair of jeans and a few shirts that fit for when I go out and have my "pajama" pants and T-shirts for working at home. I refuse to buy "FAT" clothes. My determination and willpower are STRONGER now than they have ever been. I am looking for likeminded people who are in this for the long haul and want to encourage and motivate each other on our journey, the highs and the lows!


  • Likeminded! I don't believe we are "done" after 40! Turning 49 this year and still want to "rock" a bikini this summer. Soooo, gotta get to work! Keep a positive attitude!
  • Feel free to add me. I'm 43 and when I'm done I will be the Sexy Grandma on the outside I know I am on the inside!