Calorie count on noodles?

I'm having some chicken noodles for lunch, but the thing is: when they're dry, the noodles weigh 65 grams (2.2 oz), and when water's been added, they weigh 330 grams (11.6 oz). Which weight do I use to figure the calories? Surely the nutritional content of the noodles don't change just because I added water? If you count the serving as 330 grams, the actually-not-that big-at-all container of noodles contains alomost 1400 calories, which, SURELY, SURELY, cannot be accurate?? Help me out here, please? :=)


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Read your package. It will give you the calorie count for the dry noodles. Measure them dry, figure out the calories and you've got it.