I'm so bored! What to eat?

I have been working on my eating since January. But I find that I keep eating the same foods over and over. I'm so bored of them! I almost just don't want to eat at all rather than eat the same things AGAIN! I am a picky eater; there are many foods I will not eat so that makes it that much harder. I am trying to limit dairy, no enriched wheat products, (only whole wheat, oats, etc.),mostly veggies and only a little fruit, and only healthy fats. I find myself having to cram tons of food down at dinner to just get my calories in, and then I am over on my fat because I am eating high calorie things like nuts to get enough calories. I just don't know what to do. It doesn't help that I have lost 1 lb since January while sticking to my calories and working out. What do you guys eat?


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    tilapia, salmon, chicken =all baked
    a variety of roasted vegetables = tomatoes, squash, onions, carrots, broccoli, asparagus (using olive oil and kosher salt)
    a lot ot steamed vegetables = add a little parmesan
    spinach salads
    boiled eggs
    omelets with spinach and mushrooms and onions
    apples with peanut butter
    pears with cheese

    Feel free to check out my food diary.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    i know what you mean about getting bored- because i'm a student all of my meals are for one- which means when i get a bag of salad it means i have to have salad for 3 days, or stir-fry etc... it's quite annoying! I try to avoid carbohydrates, not cut them out completely but limit them in dinner and lunch (breakfast almost everything is carbs so tricky sometimes). My food diary is public but i've had a week off this past week for easter (i do that every now and then because i find that although I gain a little weight it comes off quickly and my body gets used to more calories so when i lower the cals again the weight comes off faster). I've currently lost about 80 pounds and been dietting since October 2009, but I started at 313 lbs so it was bound to come off quickly really. i don't do much exercise either. If ur stuck for ideas, the recipe board on here has lots of different meals on. It doesn't matter if you're under your calories you know, just don't starve! like... don't eat for the sake of eating ur calorie limit, it's just a guide-line. xxxxx
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    One thing is, don't cram food in to reach your calorie goal. That number is a generic figure. Eat the healthy stuff until you are full. Experiment to see what foods do to you. I eat a lot of salad, baby spinach, spring mix, etc. I also throw in lots of other vegetables. Alfalfa sprouts, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, black beans, corn(no salt added), almonds, plus anything else I can think of at the moment. If you are looking to diversify meats, try Boca or Morning star. They have veggie meats that are less fat and way better for you. The taste is a little different but its still good.

    Hope this helps,
  • elizabennett
    One thing is, don't cram food in to reach your calorie goal. That number is a generic figure. Eat the healthy stuff until you are full.

    My problem is that if I don't I would eat 800 calories that day, sometimes less, which I know is not good. Eating right is so hard some days! I feel so much better when I do it and I know my body is healthier, but it takes so much time and thought. I can never just grab something and eat it anymore.
  • SquidInTraining
    I second the emotion on trying Boca and Morningstar. I'm not vegetarian anymore, but I eat meat sparingly (and hardly ever eat red meat), and I like to mix in a lot of the veggie dogs, burgers, etc... they don't weigh you down like the real deal.